Tuesday 24 April 2012

I am buying new music from itunes.
This is always a task I enjoy even if the ipod is maxxed out!

Sunday 22 April 2012

The sun is shining and Cat is on my lap. Working on my website and drinking lemon tea. Something so relaxing about this moment.

Sunday 18 March 2012

There was a day when new items on ebay were cheaper than the shops in town. What has gone wrong?

Saturday 17 March 2012

Ah…. Inspector Montebano! :-)

Sunday 11 March 2012

Off to the shops just as Emmy the Great is live on 6music.

Waiting for first song to end first.
Awake for the second time.
I am going for coffee to prevent a third doze fest.

Saturday 10 March 2012

I am being tempted by German Leica cameras.
This may be an expensive few days if I cannot resist.

Sunday 29 January 2012

Damn chest infection has returned.
Why can I not be well?
I am beginning to hate winter.

Saturday 28 January 2012

Am watching Starship Troopers on iplayer for a short bit. Loony film but comic book joy!
Drinking carrot, apple and raspberry juice courtesy of a lovely little Polish shop :-)
Cat and I have just lept into the air when new clock went 'PING' on the hour. I think it's a bit slow!
Is it whisky o'clock yet?
Chocolate covered spouts!

Wednesday 25 January 2012

ooo..she's good. Come on...take the D..... blockbusters
Am watching Blockbusters. Ah...memories...

Tuesday 24 January 2012

Well that was exciting! Can't beat a bit of Bully! ;-)
Yeah!!!!! They've won a mini metro!
How fab is that?!
Presure's on now. 46 from first set of darts.....
Go for the star prize! Go on....!!!! Yeah...go for it!
Tumble Drier, sunlounger, high presure cleaner and the trainset! Incredible! :-) bullysprizeboard
Bully's Prize Board! Woo Hoo! Aren't those prices umm...... best not say...

Monday 23 January 2012

Bloody hell, this whisky has a kick!
New sneak pictures of the olympus OM digital keep appearing.
I hope it's not too expensive when it arrives.
I have whisky! Woo Hoo!
Quarter Cask Laphroaic at 48%!
Going to have to savour this one!
Home again but out to the shops for some consumables. :-)

Sunday 22 January 2012

Lovely cup of coffee, Jarvis being wierd and wonderful on 6music and Soreen Fruit loaf being scoffed. lazyafternoon

Saturday 21 January 2012

Bouncing around living room!
Chemical Brothers' "Setting Sun" on 6music.
Bring it on!

Friday 20 January 2012

I have eaten 4 veggie sausages this morning because it is the weekend and I'm worth it.
Shaved too quickly. Head looks like a battlefield; a murder scene; a childrens cooking experiement;.....
All this softening and rehabilitation of Thatcher is making me rather angry, queezy and stunned at the same time. cantpaintovershit
I am drinking diet coke. It is making me burb. gas

Thursday 19 January 2012

Time to head to bed.
Sleepy head.
Enjoy the music of the world people and have good dreams.
TOTP! Yeah! bbc4 totp1977

Wednesday 18 January 2012

Another shit day at work.
I hate this stress.

Tuesday 17 January 2012

Wonder how all those journalists are going to cope without wikipedia today?
I'm off to bed.
Who's coming with me?
I am cooking spaghetti with olives, wild mushrooms, rocket and a mushroom sauce with herbs. :-)
VirginMedia service status page is down due to over-capacity. If there is one page you don't need to be down it's that one. *sigh*
VirginMedia! I pay for 30mbs of interweb.
Having enough to fill an eggcup isn't quite the same!
Get with it internet dudes!

Sunday 15 January 2012

Nothing like slipping into a freshly washed pair of jeans.
Can't understand these oddballs who never wash them.
I am going to bed.
I have finished my whisky.
I have finished my film.
I am now tired.
Goodnight cruel world.
Cuts to all the services which the vulnerable depend on to fund expensive unnecessary boats for the Royals? Gove is such a typical Tory!
Am watching Terry Gilliam's 'The Brothers Grimm' on iplayer.
I have whisky and curry.
I am cat on legs.
I am content.
I have lit a smelly candle. Apple and Cinammon. Left over stock at Spar going cheap :-)
It takes around 5 months to grow peanuts. It takes me 5 minutes to demolish a 360g bag of dry roasted. nomnomnom
Right then. Off to the shops. Need juice and veggie sausages for breakfast. Catch you later aligators!
For the lowly flatworm, penis fencing is no laughing matter!

Saturday 14 January 2012

That ostrich over there? It is totally into you!
Love today's news story about the tunnel to the cashpoint machine. 6 months to build and little money in there at the end! LOL!!!
I need a new clock. Radio controlled because I'm lazy setting it, to sit on a shelf and has a pendulum for tick tock effect. To the shops!

Friday 13 January 2012

Ah.... The Lark Accending. Who cannot be moved by this music. It's truely beautiful! bbc4
I have to say I am becoming addicted to modern Scandinavian jazz music. Such beauty in the music. :-)
Go away Adele. Just go away! Never darken my ears again with your voice. Go NOW!
I am home. Cold out.
-2 reported on bike as I rode home. In this country that's arctic shutdown all the trains and buses temperature!

Thursday 12 January 2012

There can be only one!! highlander
Enjoying a tasty glass of orange and carrot juice. Lovely! :-)
Also Sprach Zaruthustra on radio3. I feel the need to lob a jaw bone into space. culturaltweet

Wednesday 11 January 2012

Lords defeat the Tories cutting money to the ill and needy. Message to Cameron, "Have you no shame?" @Number10gov

Tuesday 10 January 2012

Time to get my act together. Later kids! Be safe and well. Especially you @swissminx! xx
Microsoft teaming up with Sesame Street? Not so much of a surprise I guess. All muppets together. :-)
Can't believe it's taken so long for IT ed in schools to be changed. It's been a waste of time for so long.
I have a delicious cold cola I am loving it. :-)
I have just eaten a whole bar of dark raspberry chocolate. justsaying

Monday 9 January 2012

Time for bed. Sleepy head must try to sleep once more. Or at least try.
It's strange as Rangefinders gave way to SLRs, the new favoured design for interchangeable lens cameras is the Rangefinder one again.
Have to say the new Canon G1x looks like a throwback from the late 80s design wise.
Damn I love the look of the new Fujifilm X-Pro.
If only I could afford the damn thing :-(

Sunday 8 January 2012

The ew FujiFilm Pro-1 camera looks very desirable. Olympus and Panasonic will have to work overtime to compete I think. countingpennies
I would imagine to a whole generation 'please allow 28 days for delivery' is an alien concept. normalwheniwasyoung
Does anyone remember the days when the words, "please allow 28 days for delivery" were common? *thought popped into my head*
I am still painting my radiator cover. It seems to need more coats than me. :-(
Teatime. Time for buttered crumpets and a fresh cup of tea. :-)
I was born in the wagon of a travelin' show
My mama used to dance for the money they'd throw
Papa would do whatever he could

Saturday 7 January 2012

I am eating Blueberry Panda liquorice. I love this stuff. :-)

Friday 6 January 2012

Time for bed and sleep.
Night night my darlings!

Thursday 5 January 2012

Apple giving Foo Fighter's 12 Days of Christmas away today on iTunes. getin
As it's 12th Night tonight (12th day of Xmas tomorrowI hope you're all making your 12th Night Fruit Cakes! :-) justsaying

Wednesday 4 January 2012

The storm has returned outside with a vengence, however intrepid me must head to the shop and buy cat litter. goodsamaritan

Tuesday 3 January 2012

Very sleepy.
Damn you potatoes. Cook faster!

Monday 2 January 2012

Front door open now the rain has ceased. Quite pleasant outside now. :-)
Frost on the windows but outside it's warm. How does that work?

Sunday 1 January 2012

I am in pain. Nurse!
I am in pain. Shoulder and neck ache terribly. aaarrrgghhhh
Bath time and then I'm going to cook a load of roasted veg to pig out on. :-)
Beer or coffee?
I have noodles, in a bowl with lashings of chilli sauce. content
That was fun!
Time for a stroll outdoors now.
I need some fresh flowers in the living room. I wonder if they wil have spare to give me after the vienna2012 concert?
Now the clapping bit.
Scared look from Cat.
The pretty dancers are back again.
Yea.......The Blue Danube
Turning up the volume :-)
It's like an American audience clapping at the start instead of the end of a piece of music. How weird.
50 million people watching the vienna2012 concert.
Right, bed sheets in the machine, some vacumming done. Now need to clean a little more of the kitchen before heading out.
ooo..the dancers are back.
Ah...Pavlosk...I know it well. Beautiful gardens and a number of delightful visits there. memories vienna2012
Front door is now open. This should allow me to wake the lazy gits still in bed with some Blue Danue in a short while.
Conductor is now playing two anvils and conducting an orchestra with choir.
Some of the orchestra are dressed up to look like railway workers.
They really know how to party in Vienna!
Oh.. a piece of music to celebrate the first railway in Denmark.
Ideas were short back then.
Like to dance with her for a bit.
Second half of the concert now on the telly box.
Nice to see all those beautiful palaces and dancers.
30,000 flowers at the concert hall in Vienna. justsaying
Bloody seagulls. Shut up and go away!
Can't...nom....type...nom...right now...nom nom.... Too busy...nom nom....eating...nom nom nom......
Beans on toast or egg on toast for breakfast? Decisions, decisions...