Saturday 31 December 2011

It's raining outside.
Pissing on their party?
Will it keep the fireworks away?
Have decided to go with the dark chocolate containing grapefruit juice and crystalised grapefruit pieces. luxury
Right then! Supper to prepare! Puy lentils in Swiss stock with very lightly cooked sliced and chopped celeriac cooking in salted butter.
Crap! Just remembered I forgot to buy the LED lightbulb earlier. No matter. iwillsurvive
Thinking of popping a bag over it unless it goes out soon.
Neighbour across the road has an old-skool impossibly bright lightbulb in a clear fancy lamp shining right into my bedroom.
Right, this realbread isn't going to make itself. A nice tasty wholemeal will do the job I think. *weighs out flour*
What's all this shop shutting early on a Saturday stuff? I thought this was Osborne's land of profit above all else? Something not right!
Typical of the Tories - Lansley only agreed to another check of the breast implants when a 'private' company's data could be wrong.
Trip to the recycling centre today, buy a new cabinet for the living room radiator and more house clearing today. whatfun

Friday 30 December 2011

Heidi's on the iplayer. "Peter, the goats Peter!".....ah...memories og badly dubbed TV joy.
ooo..todays's free gift on itunes is Sonic the Hedgehog for the iPad. happydays
Cat is confused. It's like a playground of videos, boxes and old cables in the living room which she feels obliged to sniff and climb over.
I have lit a smelly incense stick. I am now floating on a cloud. ommmmmm
My living room looks like bomb has hit it. There are boxes and things and stuff and gubbins all over. houseclean
About to start clearing out the cupboard to Narnia.
I may be some time.

Thursday 29 December 2011

Right time for bed. But first....drum roll..... it's time to try the new toothbrush! toothbrushnews
The science of chocolate teapots now. 2Kg chocolate teapot experiement. Fab! radio5live
The science of cocktails on radio5live. Top radio! :-)
Cat is jumping around chasing a stuffed mouse around the living room. She's not letting this one get away.
Too early for whisky?
Fairtrade Killimanjaro coffee today. Accepting empty drinking vessels now......
I have lost my box of gingerbread biscuits! nooooooooooo

Wednesday 28 December 2011

Bath done. Nice and clean again. Time for supper. hmm....spag bol perhaps?

Tuesday 27 December 2011

I just ordered a new Playstation Vita half price. I don't play games, so will sell on arrival. Who wants it? :-)
Going to try for sleep. Body out of sync. When I want to I can't. When I don't need to I am fighting droopy eyelids. notfair
Is it just me or does the voice of Barbara Windsor simple grate like nails down a blackboard.
I do like the Bourne films but what does the camera man always have the shakes? Too much booze a directors rule?
I would rather pull my own eyeballs out of their sockets through my ears than go see Iron Lady at the cinema. justsaying for the ancients geeks out there :-)
Anyone have the coffee? Bit parched right now.

Sunday 25 December 2011

I am sleepier than a sloth hitching a ride on a tortoise.

Tuesday 20 December 2011

Time for Christmas Muppets! Beaker, Swedish Chef and Animal :-) Brilliant!

Sunday 18 December 2011

Lots of home-made delicious curry left over from last night. Well it seems a shame to waste it. nomnomnom
Communists in Moscow critising govt for taking power without popular support. Now there's historical irony!
Loving the baby Dyson. Cat is not afraid of it either. She sits and watches unlike the big one where she runs upon sight.
Although this 19th century victorian crap can bugger right off. christmasaroundeurope radio3
I need to go to the shops.
A baby Animal Dyson with my name on is waiting for me.
How cute. :-)
Ah....Mediaeval Baltic music from Finland. Lovely. christmasaroundeurope radio3
Loving the Xmas Around Europe music on radio3 today. I look forward to this every year. One of the few redeming features of Christmas.
Right eye socket tender this morning. Feels like a bruise coming on. Was Cat practicing her boxing while I was asleep?

Saturday 17 December 2011

Ooo...nightmare before xmas is on the tellybox. May need to sneak a peak via tvcatchup :-)
Blimey! Why is it so cold right now? Going to need some more alcohol to warm up.
Braised tofu, peppers, onion, corgettes and made-in-india-curry-paste with fresh corriander and basmatti rice for supper. Oh and beer too!
It is time for some food. I may make myself a curry. nomnomnom
Note: Xmas is not about expecting presents. They have no monetary value and if you only give to get you're missing the point!
Xmas greed is upon us again. Girls in shop complaining they spent so much on a gift but the one they are expecting is not of equal value.

Friday 16 December 2011

Cat has made a cave from sofa cushions and burrowed herself within. There is only a sleepy head visible :-)
I am cooking mashed potatoes with sauerkraut and vegetarian frankfurters to go with the rye bread :-) nomnomnom
Loving my new bluetooth widget. Am able to beam iplayer radio programmes to it from computer. :-) geektweet
I am considering a visit to the pub tonight, however Friday, pub, crowds, arseholes intending to get drunk for the sake of it, hmm.....
I have a huge jar of Polish sauerkraut. happy

Thursday 15 December 2011

I have whisky.
I am still unhappy though.
Depressed but getting there.
It's interesting to hear so many apologists for the Iraq war justifying the invasion and violence that followed. Odd people.
I have just attached my new uber-expensive Bluetooth receiver dongle to my stereo. I have wireless power you can never comprehend now.
I dislike Christmas time. justsaying
Kermit on 6music. Life is complete. :-)
The rain has gone. The sky is blue and the sun is out. Hold off rain...please!

Wednesday 14 December 2011

I am heading to bed for an early night. Feeling blue and tired.
The Saint is on radio4extra. It's full of daring do!
I am ordering beer online. I find the process less than enjoyable. I would rather be drinking it.
Just installed the new Tweetdeck. Not bad app but no way to resize columns. Come on Twitter. All that money and you can't engineer resize?
I am feeling sad. justsaying
My feet are cold. Why only my feet?
I am listening to the Beethoven music on radio3. I am feeling calmer. Still need cuddles though. :-/
I am hungry. I may cook some pasta. My diet has taken a knock in the past few days. I may contribute to the kilos with carbohydrates :-)
My living room still looks like a small bomb has exploded within it however I am now tweeting from my new sofa complete with new throws :-)
Poor badgers to die to help farmers bank balances. Anonymous "scientists" making decisions? Put up the evidence in public! Poor things :-(
It has been rain, snow, rain, snow, rain all day.
I am now heading to the shop.
I am expecting to get wet.
I am sad.
Have spent the day building a sofa, clearing out living room and tidying. Not complete yet but taking a well earned coffee break. :-) nocake
This echo on the two DAB radios is doing my nut in. May have to turn one off. :-(
My two DAB radios are out of sync. Now that's never happened before. It's like an echo. confused

Tuesday 13 December 2011

I have returned from the pub. Time for supper. justsaying
The penguin looked down at his domain. He was master of all he could see. Happiness wasn't an option. He had so much more to do.
Too early for whisky?
I need to go to the shops to buy some yeast. Suddenly the storm isn't as much fun. :-(
Another hail storm just begun! Cat has run away under the bed. She's had enough.
Two giant hail storms earlier leaving large piles of ice in places looking like salt mountains. Now thunder and lightening. Cool!

Monday 12 December 2011

Off to get the soundtrack to the book by Real Tuesday Weld. An unappreciated group. :-)
Just finished reading the last page of The Last Werewolf. Glen Duncan at his finest again :-)

Tuesday 6 December 2011

Bit more house tidy to do. Going for a Laura Marling afternoon of music. Lining up the three albums to enjoy :-)
Downloading the new White Denim album. Two in one year. Feeling chuffed :-)
I am making a half-hearted attempt to clean my home. The problem is too many things in the living room :-(

Monday 5 December 2011

Ha! Cameron in a right pickle now with new EU treaty & his stupid referundum demanding 19th century thinking little islanders in his party.

Saturday 3 December 2011

Someone's playing 'Snowplay' on their phone loudly. Very annoying.
It is my birthday next week. I am expecting cake, sweets, music and naked dancing girls. I am also expecting to be disappointed.
But there again, weirdos do the same with Lennon's Happy Xmas (War is Over). I dislike Xmas songs! bahhumbug
Nena's 99 red balloons being played as Xmas song today. Balloons do not make it festive, especially as it's an anti-war song.
It's been an odd day today. Supposed to be December however people walking around in t-shirts and few with coats. screweduptheplanet
I have fruitcake. This is not a reflection on my personaility. However I do like fruitcake. :-)