Monday 31 October 2011

What is it with Greece? Just as the rest of the EU agree on a way to fix their debt they now want a referendum. They truely are bonkers!
Porridge time! :-)
Still no sign of Cat. Hmmmm nothernature
Cat not home. Idiot fireworks outside. worried

Sunday 30 October 2011

I am eating scrambled duck eggs with dill, veggy frankfurters and some baby new pototoes. nomnomnom
I feel ill justsaying
Just downloading the new Florence album. Should be good 'un :-)
Time for bed. Cat is snoring. I have had a very tasty pearl barley, green beans and pepper salad. My belly is full.
Time to quaff a few ales and torture a few old songs I think with some terrible singing. :-)
Rocking with Johnny Cash now! LOL! There's a alternative music style! 6music
Ride of the Valkeries music on 6music is certainly a change!
Love to know what Cat is dreaming about. Her paws are flicking and her body twitching. Some lip smacking going on too. catdreams
Chocks away! Tally Oh! Back to Blighty for tea and crumpets wot wot! 6music
Needing more coffee. Only half of my brain is presently awake.
I am about to endulge in a red pepper and mushroom omlette with a fresh pot of coffee. justsaying
Waiting for all the crappy off-the-shelf lazy-journo stories re clocks changing BBC, Express and failonsunday always print every 6 months.

Saturday 29 October 2011

Cat has come to cuddle. betterthannothing
Cameron's Tories heads in the fantasy history book again. Bringing back the British Empire Medal now.

Friday 28 October 2011

He did the mash...the monster mash..... singalong 6music

Thursday 27 October 2011

I am eating mock-duck on a bed of green leaves with green beans cooked with peppers and tomatoes.
I have lit a rose sented incense stick. I feel as if I am back in church again. I love this smell. :-)
May have to head to the ikkle Spar shop for some things. Ginoirmous tesco cathedral of shopping worship just too intimidating.

Tuesday 25 October 2011

Work time. I think....
Time for bed. Flo was good. Now I need to go dream off unicorns.
With both Gallagher and now Florence with two very strong albums, can the forthcoming Kate Bush one steal the crown?
Head more ruffled, dress more open as a cloak. Now she's whirling around like a pink spinning top! Brilliant! florenceconcert
Lay me down...let the only the overflow....pockets full of stones...... singalong florenceconcert
Not sure the whole waifish death look suits her but what a voice! Wail it out! :-) florenceconcert
She looks a bit like Morticia Adams in pink! scarylook florenceconcert
Eh up! She's on! :-) goflorence
Going to be asleep by the time this red curtain rises....
The wooping and clapping from the crowds clearly signify their love of the red curtain. Wonder what enthusiam they will reserve for Flo?
So far I have been watching 5 minutes of red curtain. Come of Flo..where are you?
Waiting for the live stream of the Florence + The Machine gig to start. Should be great! :-)
I should also add, the house smells of a hippy cafe too! groovy
I have lit a cinnamon flavour incense stick. My house smells of cakes now. :-) nicetrick

Monday 24 October 2011

Just visited the new ginormous Tesco at the end of the road. Huge! Got intemindated and had to leave. toobigforme

Sunday 23 October 2011

Out of the bath. Incense stick lit. Feeling chilled.
I have eaten all the dark chocolate. greedypiggy
I am going to have a bath. Sunday's are made for baths. It's the need to show teacher/manager that you are clean enough to stay on Monday.
I now have dark chocolate with sea salt and lime. I am happy.

Saturday 22 October 2011

Supper is almost ready. Puy lentils with green beans and pumpkin cubes with side salad of roasted peppers and leaves. nomnomnom
I am being whacked over and over by a spooky cat tail. Only so many more I will accept.
Back from the dry cleaners with trousers and the bakers with croissants. Very bright and sunny with a lovely chill in the air. :-)
Disaster! No bread in the house. No butter either! Shop time!

Friday 21 October 2011

I need some coffee. Who has a pot going?
Now then, who has the Terry's Chocolate Orange for pudding?

Tuesday 18 October 2011

I have a big bowl of porridge :-) justsaying
I am hungry. I need food. Considering brussel sprout and goat's cheese salad with chilli flakes. :-)

Monday 17 October 2011

Homes of the Russian rich.
Spelt and pearl barley risotto with green veg and chilli tonight. Served with a delicious Italian red. Should be a good 'un. :-)

Sunday 16 October 2011

Oh dear. Another pledge by Cameron for the headlines. GIve it 3 months, 4 tops, before he's forgotten. Track record so far not impressive.
Just downloaded Noel Gallagher's new album. That's today sorted then. :-)
Having some of @judypayne's plum chutney for supper with some salad :-)
I have just realised I have no milk for the Horlicks I had planned for later. I haven't actually bought any milk for months.
I have a plate of purple broccali with sea salt, butter and fresh bread. :-)

Saturday 15 October 2011

I am thinking this evening could be a curry evening. I have some squash and corriander. Hmm... supper
itunes tells me there is 13GB of 'Other' on my ipad. What is this mysterious 'Other' and why is it so large? curious
I am home. Cat is missing. Is she out partying with other cats? Is she waving her glow sticks as cat like beats hit the air somewhere?
Crikey! Only just woken up! Not good. Not good at all.

Friday 14 October 2011

It is time for sleep. Friday you have been good. I must confess there have been better Fridays and you're not in the top 100 but it's okay.
Not sure what to think about the WooWoos. They are very sexy, sing well but I think a few more songs to get a better idea.

Thursday 13 October 2011

To bed now. Cat already asleep. Can I reach dreamland as fast as she did?

Wednesday 12 October 2011

ipad seems to be updating. That'll break it for sure! fate
Scambled duck eggs with dill on home made oat bread this morning.

#nomnomnom breakfast teatowelclub
I am sleepy. I have not updated the ipad. I will leave it for now and try another day. I am going to the land of dreams.
I have just been eating South African chilli sauce from a spoon. My mouth is now aflame with hell's fire and demonic possesion. nice
What the world needs love sweet the only thing...that there's just too little of.... singalong
Is the new Horrors album any good? Worth a buy? undecided
I'm going to run a bubbly bubble bath. I want more foam than is natural for a normal sized bath. I feel in a foam mood.
I am home. I am updating my ipad to the new software. I am expectng the rest of the evening to be one of bitching and cursing.

Tuesday 11 October 2011

Sleeping well but still so bloody tired. Need to get some morning dancing in.
Time for bed. Time to read a little. Dostoyevsky's House of the Dead. Happy Days! :-)
I have espresso dark chocolate. This is probably not the best idea at this time of night I've had.
Munching on the most delicious broccali stalk. justsaying
Loving the newly redesigned Europeana website. Very nicely done! :-)

Monday 10 October 2011

Nokia's new default ringtone is a grower but the first time it gets played on a bus full of people someone's going to get hurt! justsaying
Ran out of coffee this morning. Who has a pot going?
I could do with a drink right now. justsaying
I am eating more ginger and chilli white chocolate. My mouth is on fire. This is fantastic. I need more! :-)
I am cooking some dried mushrooms for a pasta sauce. I love dried mushrooms. They are just so mushroomy. :-)
Loving the live early music concert on radio3 this evening. Nice to hear it's being heard elsewhere in Europe via EBU. :-)
Hey Cameron! Marking people as undesirables eh? That's new! Shall we go paint stars on thier windows and make them scrub the roads?
the @mailonline dailyfail crowd must be lapping it up. They love all this fake news crap! :-)
When the economy goes bad, the govt is wrapped in sleeze and dailyfail myths are told to be fact at conf., let's blame it all on immigrants!

Sunday 9 October 2011

I have white chocolate with chili and ginger. Could this night get any better?
I need food. I think some pasta with green pesto, artichokes and broad beans on a plate of rocket and sun dried peppers and tomatoes.
There was some Chas and Dave, Three Degrees and Stevie Wonder. The music was not my choice but like a trooper I joined in.
I did try to get the crowd to sing along to Moscau by Rammstein but to no avail.
I am drunk, in my defence. The red ale was too good to leave at just one pint.
I have been to the pub. I sang loudly to Tom Jones, Johny Cash and Take That.
I have eaten. I am now thirsty. I will head to the pub. They have beer and people one can engage with in a more inhibited manner.
Groundhog Day is on television today. Hasn't that been on before? ;-)
Right! Time to get some cat food and marky food.
Has anyone any coffee going?
Thinking of a short break in either Tallinn or Riga. Who's up for it?

Saturday 8 October 2011

It's called a CD drive computer. It's for reading CDs. Please understand. Please be nice.
MacBook Pro is on the blink this evening. It's Jobs lifeline has been cut and it's unsure what it's supposed to do.
Think I'll do some window shopping today, lounge around in a cafe for a while and grab some lunch somewhere followed by home & evening beer.
Think I'll do some window shopping today, lounge around in a cafe for a while and grab some lunch somewhere followed by home & evening beer.

Friday 7 October 2011

Right now! Breakfast beckons. Who has the coffee? teatowelclub
Time for bed. Tme to sleep. Time to dream.
I am thinking curry. Curry anyone? Curry? Yes, curry I think.

Thursday 6 October 2011

Porridge time!
I am hungry. I am cooking wholemeal pasta with tomato, dill and mushrooms surved with rocket and cucumber.

Wednesday 5 October 2011

Too tired to function. Who has coffee?
Time to hit the pillows and attempt some sleepy time. See you all in the morning for porridge and coffee!
I have a craving for peanuts. Honey roast would be nice.
I have whisky however very little left. Unsure when I can afford more.
Need hemp flour for to make some bread with. Local shops haven't any! Waagghhhhh!!!

Monday 3 October 2011

Back home from a long day at work. Now cooking curry and will probably fall asleep in it face first.

Sunday 2 October 2011

Tis a lovely sunny day in the west! Wonder if a visit to the seaside is in order?

Saturday 1 October 2011

I feel the need for more food. Kitchen is a mess though and I am uncertain I can be arsed. Perhaps if I smash a Lindt chocolate bunny ?...