Sunday 31 July 2011

When I grow up I want to catch Smurfs for a living.

Friday 29 July 2011

I have a bowl of olives stuffed with roasted almonds. They are fab! justsaying
Kasabian on the ipad itunes festival now. Oh yeah!...say that you want me...lalalala.....say that you need me....lalalala..... :-)

Thursday 28 July 2011

I am having a second breakfast. Omlettee with sweet peppers and mushrooms. justsaying
I am drinking wine. It is good. justsaying
Bike was taken to the bike hospital this morning. Not very well. I miss it already. It's gleeming black facade, it's throaty roar,
Think it's about time for liguinni, spinach, pine nuts, walnuts and olive oil with a small beetroot side salad. nomnomnom

Tuesday 26 July 2011

To to grab some late breakfast.
Oh dear...bloody Radiohead.... reaches for biro to self harm..... teatowelclub
Bike broke down. Battery drained. WTF!???

Monday 25 July 2011

Another day, another euro. :-(
What has planet Earth in store for me today?

Sunday 24 July 2011

Expecting bad news re my job this week. Still, head up and keep looking for another. One never knows.
Bloody love this new Bjork song! fab 6music teatowelclub
What a beautiful day! Lovely, warm, sunny, blue skies, still breeze. I shall be indoors working. Hateful isn't it?

Saturday 23 July 2011

I have just fille dup a plastic box with delicious blackberries from the wild bushes down the road. I bloody love blackberries!!

Friday 22 July 2011

Sunny Day
Sweepin' the clouds away
On my way to where the air is sweet
Can you tell me how to get,
How to get to Sesame Street :-)
Sleepy now. Time to hit the pillows..... zzzzzzz
just in time for the cheap russian soap opera. Angry people yelling and frowning - it's the universal language of all soaps.
I think I will make curry! The need for extra hot, extra spicy, extra silly heat level is great within me and needs satisfying.
It is Friday! I have a day off tomorrow. Isn't that exciting? Mmmm?

Thursday 21 July 2011

Loosing the two for one meal deal ticket is likely to be high on the hawkholiday disaster list @vickiblight teatowelclub
The chances of this day being rubbish are fairly even so far.
I am having two double whiskys. That ought to help! :-)
Bed time. Tired but so many problems running around my head unsure how much I will sleep. Wish I had some vodka!
Anyone have any recommendations for Kyiv? Places to go, things to see, etc.? Will have some spare time on my hands.

Wednesday 20 July 2011

I appear to have overdone the sun. My head is now peeling. notagoodlook reachesforcream
Johnny's back! Woo Hoo!! *claps like seal flippers* teatowelclub
Who has the coffee? teatowelclub Is there a Belgium coffee in honour of it's possibly last National Day?
Today I shall be wearing a pale grey shirt with large red and blue chrysanthemums, poppys and sunflowers upon it. shirtnews
I am very bored now. Even my yawns have yawns.
Right then. Really do need to sleep now. The sandman has arrived and he has brought backup that could stand door at a nightclub. sleepy
I have almost finished Franz Kafka's The Castle. Have enjoyed this one. It's as weird and mixed up as my sock drawer. socknews booknews
I am drinking wine. It is my escapist pleasure when the evening has come and the gnomes have gone to bed. theywillneverknow
I am out of the bath justsaying
Think I'll wait a few days for the new Apple Lion upgrade. Just read up the techy notes on issues found first.
Minty bath smell from upstairs. lovely! Need some relaxing water soak time!
Something fishy about Daily Mail Reporter's Captain Haddock tale

Tuesday 19 July 2011

Time for bed. Legs are alive. Very much a clue I am too tired. nightnight
Another Shakmoto Investigation from vicandbob. Love it :-)
Just about to go see today's new Vic and Bob sketch. Don't tell me if you've seen it. youwouldntletitlie
I have eaten half of my spaghetti but am full. I will force the rest in somehow. notwastingfood
Water boilng. Need to stick the pasta in. .....
I am in need of an affordable 50mm M or M39 lens. Need more money. :-(
Time for a plate of square spaghetti. Got the salad ready and we're good to go. suppertime

Monday 18 July 2011

Night night planet Earth. Goodnight Giraffes, sleep well dolphins, see you in the morning majestic trees.
Well that's my heart medicine enjoyed. winelove
What is this Antiques Master on bbc2? It's like some horrible dailymail inspired vision of entertainment for middle class frumps.
Oh go on then glass. Fill your brim with red vino and let me sup of your majesty in content happiness.
Oooo... unopened forgotten bottle of Portugese red. Lovely surprise for the pasta salad. wine

Sunday 17 July 2011

What happened to the summer? Is this a repeat of 3 years ago when we used it all up in the spring?
I feel the embyonic stages of a cold coming in. Not this close to the harbourfestival please no!
There's a cocert on Russian telly now. It's an oldie worldy style caberet. Much better! :-)
I am watching the entertainment from Moscow. It is distinquished by the fact that it is not in fact entertaining at all.
I have a spicy tomato and basil soup with my walnut bread. It is very scrumdidliumptious.
Time for food. Sugar levels too low. Begining to see things. Even this blue badger staring at me agrees.
The Italians really showed off. Briliant show with a certain foppish flip of the hair.
Still the British showed how good an airforce can be with sticky backed plastic and empty washing up liquid bottles.
Just reviewing some of yesterday's airshow photos. The Americans were brass and big, the Ukrainians undecided and the Swiss rather neutral.
Brooks and Coluston sat in front of a Parliamentry commitee and said they gave money to police, a crime for 100 years. Why not arrested then?
Wish this one was televised. Would have love to have seen 1000 performers all crammed onto the stage! bbcproms radio3
Looking forwrad to Brian's Gothic Symphony on radio3 shortly. Should be immense! bbcproms
Off for a little afternoon nap. Been a very long week. Going to join cat on the pillow.
About to make some date and walnut bread for my tea later. :-)
Back from the ikkle Spar shop down the road. Bought salad stuff and cat food. rockandrolllifestyle
I think I may have shrunk in the rain. My jeans don't seem to fit.

Saturday 16 July 2011

Ooo...Seventh Seal is on film4 in a bit. Dare I stay up and try to watch or fall asleep where I stand?
I have sunburned (burnt?) my head. Ouch!
My body aches in new places I did not know could. itsnottheyearsbutthemileage
Ironically, despite being soaked through to the bone this morning, I am now running a bath to relax in. gofigure

Friday 15 July 2011

Right! Off to the fairford airshow tomorrow with my teatowel and cameras. Not looking forward to the bike ride though the rain though.
Time travel cat teatowelclub
Benjamin Grosvenor on bbc2 bbcproms right now makes me feel so inferior. 19 years old and a piano master already! grrrrr lookathimplay
Why did nobody remind me the first bbcproms of 2011 was on tonight? Have I missed Janacek's Glagolitic Mass?
Let's face it sincerity can be faked Mr. Murdoch and false modesty doesn't match your character of the past decades. notw

Thursday 14 July 2011

Time for work again. However the sun has got its hat on and hip, hip, hip horaay!
Uncertain how long a sock partner lives when it's other half has died. What does one do with one working sock aside from puppetry? socknews
Oh sweeeeeet harmony......let's come together...... 6music teatowelclub
It is with sadness + regret that I annouce the death of one of my socks. It has been a good friend but has now worn itself out. socknews
Today's breakfast is sliced dutch cheese, sliced and salted tomatoes and cucumbers, warm bread and pickled cabbage with carrot. Tis fab!

Wednesday 13 July 2011

Can you remember those little blue and white striped bags of sweets in the Peter and Jane books? That's todays shirt. shirtnews
Becoming sleepy. Time to visit the weird and freaky world of dreams in the land of nod.
Thinking of heading over to Fairford for the biggie airshow this weekend. Who's going?
Anti PowerPoint Party in Switzerland! Yeah! Common sense at last!

Monday 11 July 2011

Loving the new TinTin film trailer.

Sunday 10 July 2011

I am still wide awake and unsleepy however tomorrow is half an hour away and I still need to get the washing out of the machine. eek
Fry and Laurie. What if Murdoch had never lived? Lovely! :-)
Beetroot removed from fridge for post bath time salad. Thinking of cooking some butter beans in veggy pesto as well.
This is why I love summer. It's past 21 o'clock and the sun is still shining with blue skies. I just want to go out and play!
Time for a bath and shave the old noggin. Beginning to feel like a hippy. andnotagroovyoneeither
Mr. B's new one "Hermitage Shanks". LOL!!

Saturday 9 July 2011

I iz home init!
Happy Birthday South Sudan!

Friday 8 July 2011

nowplaying Bigger than Us by White Lies
Plate of spaghetti and salad tonight I think. Wine at the ready :-)

Thursday 7 July 2011

Rain has stopped for a bit. Better take advantage of it and get the bike started.
A black shirt today with herringbone design crisply ironed with the right level of starchy goodness. shirtnews teatowelclub
Still rainning. Cat was hoping for a day in the sun after yesterday. Instead she is looking in dispair out of an open door to the wetness.
It is just me or does Alice Gold's music remind you of Pat Benatar? ifyouhavetoaskthenyouretooyoung
It's time to download some more music. itunes here I come :-)

Wednesday 6 July 2011

Stunningly beautiful day with the blue skies topping richly green countryside. Cat is sitting on the wheelie bin surveying her domain.

Tuesday 5 July 2011

Where's my coffee? Bloddy staff! grrrrr
Watching the news from Moscow. It's an odd mixture of violence, pointless lifestyle stories and politicians. Much like Channel 5 really.
This crazy reintroduction of border controls between Denmark and the rest of the EU just goes to show what madness politicians can create.
Loving the new Vic and Bob material online. Just like the good ol' days :-)

Monday 4 July 2011

Hotter than the sun in this house this morning! immelting

Sunday 3 July 2011

Time to head into the hot morning sunshine. Wish I didn't have to stop and could just keep heading to the horizon today. blueperiod
No itunes I do not want Adele in my recommendations. That stuck up right-wing money grabbing self rightous tit. rant
I'm having a second breakfast because I am so hungry! breakfastnews teatowelclub feedtheworm
Happy "We lost the American Colonies so stop with the faux celebrations" Day! :-)
Those crazy Austrians :-) Big up the Vegetable Orchestra! :-)

Saturday 2 July 2011

Вы называете это музыкой?
Cheap Russian Pop! Абсолютно гениально!
Этот фильм очень удручает!
I am making a curry. It will be good. nomnomnom
Oh YES!!!!! Found an unopened bag of white chocolate buttons I had forgotten about!
Russian version of Big Brother is now on. Having never seen the UK version I cannot compare but boy is this dull. Time for beer!
Кто-нибудь есть какие-либо водка?
Мне нужна помощь!
I have been sucked into the world of cheap Russian soap operas.
I can't pull myself away.
I need help.
That's the song I hear
Let the world sing today!
A song of peace
That echos on
And never goes away
I'd like to see the world for once
All standing hand in hand!
And hear them echo through the hills
For peace throughout the land!
I'd like to teach the world to sing
In perfect harmony!
I'd like to hold it in my arms
And keep it company!
I'd like to build the world a home
And furnish it with love!
Grow apple trees and honey bees
And snow white turtle doves!