Monday 31 January 2011

This never ending winter is dragging my soul lower and lower through Dante's hell.
I don't mind paying more tax for schools, hospitals, police etc. but piss angry it's to repay the debt for money given to banks. grrrr!
Thank you condem gits for making me a high rate tax payer very shortly while Osborne and tax dodging friends get away with it! unfair
Chilly! Feeling colder than a pennguin's tit right now.

Sunday 30 January 2011

People are odd.
People standing confused at old bus station unwilling to move to new in case bus goes to old as before.
A very dull day ahead full of meetings. I hate meetings. Busy doing nothing. Rather be tucked up in bed, warm and cozy.
Blimey. All the muscles in me very stiff and un-cooperative this morning. Pain...such pain..aaarrgghhh!
Far too tired. Time for bed and dreams before the birds outside rudely wake me tomorrow and @hawshow + @6musicslev bring on loony fun again!
Just realised only 20 days until the Cricket World Cup! Woo Hoo!!!
New freshly washed duvet and pillow covers on. Always a good sleep with new covers :-)
Needing more whisky before curry supper :-)
Blue will represent UK in Eurovision after reforming. But who the bloody hell are Blue???? amigettingold?

Saturday 29 January 2011

Bloody jacket potatoes. Why do they always take so long to cook? Such a waste of energy.
New sofa purchase dilemma. waaagghhh!
Bloody hell, this smoke beer is top stuff! May have another one :-)
Half price leather sofa or fabric corner one. Hmmm
Enjoying a Bavarian smoke beer while ponding choice....
Bit of a chill in the air today. Brrrr

Friday 28 January 2011

Colder inside my home than outside! I might leave the front door open to warm things up a bit. huggingamugoftea
Need to upgrade Sony reader. Only PC Muppet World has stock. Nooo! dilemma

Thursday 27 January 2011

Pasta salad supper very tasty and finished with some fresh bread. Now enjoying a glass of delicious single malt :-)

Tuesday 25 January 2011

Why does George Osbourne always smirk when giving bad news?

Monday 24 January 2011

All the trigger words in use on the @bbcnews right now: Carnage, Chaos, Almighty, etc. Listen to the newsreader force the words in the rest.

Sunday 23 January 2011

Left glasses at home, lost hat and forgot school books. What a good start.
Damn! Spinach is so bloody good! eatingfromthebaglikecrisps
Might as well add to the junk food and wash it down with a Coke Zero!
Just polished off another custard tart. Bang goes the healthy eating but then it was sooooooo tempting!
Need to visit the shop for a bit before getting head down for telephone work. Boo!!! workingonasundaynotgood
David Bowie singing about a wibbly wobbly hat! Feeling groovy! 6music
Delicious baked potato, mushroom and dill omlette as very late breakfast going down very well. :-)

Saturday 22 January 2011

Stomach seems to turn inside out when I skip meals. Very unwell. :-(
Loud protests from the anti arms trade group today. Security guards running away. Wonder what they had to hide? LOL

Friday 21 January 2011

Bottle of Glenmorangie opened for my pleasure :-)
Mopping head from curry of the correct heat level. Bowl of freshly made salted popcorn at hand also. Glass of whisky at the ready.'s not going to win any cullinary awards but it's going to be tasty, warm, spicy and mine so bleh to anyone else! mycurry
@hawkshow @6musicslev Need eight more albums to reach 1111. Ideas? Suggestions? Recommendations? needmoremusic
Going to make a veggy curry. Some delicious genuine Indian paste bought from the health shop earlier. Nom Nom! hungry
If Coulson thought he could hide his resignation behind blair's statements to chilcot he didn't do a very good job as a spindoctor. crap
Little nippy this evening. Heating going on for half an hour.
No surprise my google android phone is so damn slow and buggy with Java code ripped off within in. notimpressed
Ha ha! Google the pirate!
Coulson quits as the investigations at the NOTW continue. Time to face the music?

Thursday 20 January 2011

I hate telephone systems! workgettingmedown

Wednesday 19 January 2011

Moon full, bright and low. Icy and white everywhere. Winter still here.
Crazy Nights by Kiss? Have you picked up the Classic Gold playlist by accident? @hawkshow @6musicslev
Rubbish day today. Not as much achieved as I wanted. Head down tomorrow.

Tuesday 18 January 2011

Got some grub in me now. Energy levels approaching normal. Teeth and polish shoes to go, then off we head into the icy morning.
Beans, veggie sausage and new potatoes for breakfast today. Nom Nom!
Not sure if green floral shirt is a vain attempt to bring summer forward. Wondering also if I have a meeting today....
It's Disco Hour at the @hawkshow and @6musicslev end of the pier show today :-)
As I veggie for almost 15 years now, I agree with @6musicslev's rant! :-)
@hawkshow @6musicslev I wonder how one makes a vegan scotch egg? scotcheggquestions
Tired of the bloody weather. Every day I look at the MetOffice site. Everyday the sun symbol moves one day away from the last one.
Very tired. Very bored. Very much exhausted. Some more of Dante's Inferno and then sleep. toomuchwork

Monday 17 January 2011

@6musicslev @hawkshow Hard it is to iron a black shirt while its dropping white calcium everywhere and the need to air guitar to Zeppelin!
Whisky Time !!!!
Uncertain why today is called bluemonday. I've had a very productive and good day. Very tired now.
Looks like a fairly decent Horizon on bbc2 tonight. Can't wait to iplayer it later :-)
Ah...a Java update! Haven't seen one of those in days!

Sunday 16 January 2011

Why does the sun keep slipping further and further away from me on the MetOffice table each hour?
Just can't beat a bowl of home made popcorn. Something about it just works :-)
Damn yeah! Just cooked salted popcorn and a @bathales Wild Hare. Life is good sometimes!
Wouldn't it have been weird if Prometheus had stotlen mashed potato from the gods to give to man?
Now by my reckoning there is 3 double whiskys left in this bottle. Would it be rude of me to leave them there? malteddilemma
Hungry now. Going to get some spuds cooking :-)
Koshka has paws wrapped around and chin on leg. Very cosy and cute. Very impractical too :-)
2500 recipe for Celtic Beer.
bath, breakfast, washing and then head down for some more work. Not too happy.

Saturday 15 January 2011

Going to have some Bowmore whisky to chill out a bit.
Ironic. Splitting headache following me all day has now gone just as I consider wrapping it up for the day!
Upset stomach this evening. That will teach me to miss meals. Always happens. :-(
Cameron's wimping out about bank bonuses anything to do with Tory doners perhaps?
I hate drizzle!

Friday 14 January 2011

I wonder what everyone is having for tea (dinner if you're posh) tonight?
Trying to explain to a facebook loon what twitter and microblogging is. Getting nowhere.
Looking forward to a couple of stiff drinks later. Pub may yet be visited.
Hotter then the sun in this office! immelting
Downing the first of many coffees today. Feeling very tired and exhausted but the show must go on!

Thursday 13 January 2011

So very very exhausted presently. Still have so much to do though. :-(
Got to love this reply to @mailonline article from Elton John's company. Even if you're not a fan, it's a class piece!
Got to love this reply to a @dailymail article from Elton John's company. Even if you're not a fan, it's a class piece!
Now I really do feel old.

Wednesday 12 January 2011

Time for bed. Reading Dante's Inferno. Mind is full of exotic weirdness. expectingodddreams

Tuesday 11 January 2011

Morning world! Are you going to be nice to be today?

Monday 10 January 2011

@hawkshow @6musicslev Mooooooooooo've over by Phyllis Nelson 6music artistsasanimals
Blimey what a day! Three meetings, one large TV and very little coffee. Am now a wreck.

Sunday 9 January 2011

Unbelievable! Clearly they don't have much to do if MPs are debating the Queen on stamps!
Why does this muesli remind me of the bottom of a rabbit hutch?
Just opened my last bottle of @brisbeerfactory's Hefe. Going to need to buy some more of this tasty stuff.
BarleyCorn bread in the oven. Dinner in other oven. Washing in the machine. Time for a relaxing whisky before we go again :-) whatalife
If cats are supposed to be lactose intollerant, why do they love a saucer of milk? confused
Unexplained empty feeling inside this morning. Not food related. More jet lag style. Weird. Need some air I think.

Saturday 8 January 2011

Second double whisky of the evening. Hmm.... Must be more frugal with the water of life!
Belly rumbling loud enough for earthquake detectors. Hmm...
Wonder if Jack Straw is looking for a new job as columnist with @dailyexpressuk or @mailonline with his new anti Muslim comments?
And Nick Clegg seems to have dropped another libdem promise for the delights of condem government re control orders. foolaswell
Jack Straw seems to have lost the plot a bit. Quite a few racists, EDL and BNP around nodding their heads at his comments though :-( fool
openuniversity books have arrived for this years studies. Guess I need to get some reading in.
Back from ride on bike. Felt great to be back on two wheels. Not sure it did my hand much good but the spirit has been lifted :-)
Need to take work trousers to the dry cleaners for ...derrr!
Bike started first time this morning, which is good. Gives me a warm fuzzy feeling inside that all will be well today :-)

Friday 7 January 2011

Mushrooms in a cream sauce with pasta and salad tonight washed down with a brisbeerfactory Ultimate Stout later. :-)
It's Christmas Day!!!! (Well it is for Old Calendarists in Russia, Serbia etc.). Paaaaarrrrtttyyy!!!!!

Thursday 6 January 2011

Trying to shop on a website which has no idea how to catalogue or make the search button work. Would have given up had I not a voucher.
Evening Twelfth NIghters!
Radio news says, "Thousands complain about Eastenders." How many years has it taken them to come to their senses? bleedingobviousrubbish

Wednesday 5 January 2011

Amazing photos of Afganistan in the 50s and 60s. Had to mirror to todays images of the country.
Happy last day of Christmas boys and girls! Hope you all have a great Tweflth Night! Not too much booze though, its still a school night! :-)
Time for sleep! Whisky drunk. Jacket potato eaten. Excellent music on 6music and I am very tired....
Interesting glimpse of the Chinese J-20. Very futuristic.
Just whizzed off a very long and very angry email to my MP, condem govt lacky that he now is. Feeling good inside. Time for beer! :-)

Tuesday 4 January 2011

Seems I have only two beers, 6 bottles of whisky and one bottle of wine left in the house. Will that be enough for 12th Night?
Happy 11th Day of Christmas one and all! :-)

Monday 3 January 2011

Merry 10th Day of Christmas one and all! Only two more until it's all over again and you can take the tree down.
I miss the voice of Patrick Moore explaining things bbcstargazing
If they could merge the imagery of the new film with the insanity of Gene Wilder's Wonka, I think a winner could be made :-)
Love the burning puppet show at the wonka factory! Absolutely insane! :-)
@TheRealJackDee is a brilliant replacement for Humphery! isihac radio4
Loved the tale of Ramsey Todd on radio4. "Get me in a Pie" now an earworm :-)
Waiting for I'm Sorry I haven't a Clue on radio4. Often too funny for words :-)
A loss of faith in the morality of the British press
Damn. Amazon have stuck the price up of a camera I was about to buy before the VAT increase. Damn you capatalist pig dogs!
Snow has stopped falling. What a shame.
Double cream and apricot preserve oozing out from apricot cake. Oh yes oh yes oh yes! :-)
Well there it is...heavy! :-) itbeginsagain
Cheese on Toast again this morning. Sprinked with veggy worchestershire sauce and a dollop of top quality tomato ketchup! Nom Nom!
Ooo.... Met Office suggesting heavy snow for this part of the island. I wonder if I shall be disappointed?

Sunday 2 January 2011

Time for whisky!!!! :-) longoverdue
Won't be long until ITV have a go at the fantastic French series Spirals. ihateremakeswhenoriginalsarejustfine
Looks like the BBC have remade Zen from the Italian original I've seen before. Remakes never as good as original. Will give this one a miss
oooo I hate it when they say "Do the math". It's plural maths, maths, it's not hard...m a t h e s ......
Just realised I have only had two slices of cheese on toast all day. Need to get some supper in me. hungry
Woo Hoo!! @bathales Ginger Hare! :-) A grown ups Ginger Beer :-) Lovely!
Weather man suggesting possible snow again tomorrow! Hmm... Miss snow now its gone....
Peter and the Wolf with Sean Connery on 6music. This station just keeps getting better and better! :-)
Got bike started. Battery very unwell. Can't understand why when it says 13v on metre it isn't really that much. Very odd. batterywoes
Still charging bike. Still unhappy. Having some cheese on toast for lunch. See if that lifts my spirits. wwaaagghhhhh!
Just looking over the cupboard. Not sure I have enough for a Twelfth Night cake. It'll have to be a small one. :-)
Happy 8th Day of Christmas!!!!! Only 4 left until it's all done for another year!
If people bought fresh veg and fruit and learned to cook a little they would be heathy and be better off. No time for these people.
Just reading about the new vouchers scheme to help healthy eating. Waste of money again. All that processed food and packing is what costs!
Damn bike won't start. Battery issues. Grrrrr...
Grant Shapps arguing in the news that people need roofs over their heads re bought homes but condem govt removing that if you rent!!

Saturday 1 January 2011

Not sure it was wise to open the packet of chocolate dipped walnuts. Far too tasty to have just one or two. addictedtastyfoodstuffs
Is it really 21.00 already? Where has the day gone?
Ooo....Primeval is back on ....Cool! Dino fun!
Almost a rewrite of the first indiana jones film. Should have left it at 3 films.
Karen Allen! Ooo.... she is still hot! :-)
Ooo...Indiana Jones on the tellybox. Haven't seen this one yet. Heard mixed things. Time for a new beer!
Another triumph of bread making! Sometimes I impress myself! :-)
Just sliced thumb on food mixer component washing it up after making apricot cake. Owwwww!!!!
Time to think about some lunch and making some bread in a bit, but first a fresh cup of tea and some biscuits.
Happy 1st of the 1st of 11th to one and all! :-)
Time to switch the concert from the radio to the TV in a bit. WIsh I could afford to go one year for real! vienna2011
Almost forgot! Happy 7th Day of Xmas to one and all!
Air conducting to the sound of Strauss' waltz :-) vienna2011
The need for another cup of tea is growing and becoming a desire I can no longer ignore teaaddict
Blimey! itunes giving Chaplin's Modern Times away for free today! Had some quality catchup to do from Cheryl Cole I guess!
The fantastic New Year Day Concert from Vienna about to start on radio3. Time to turn up the stereo for the Blue Danube!