Tuesday 31 May 2011

Right time for wine isn't it? Who has the bottle?

Monday 30 May 2011

Cat's gone walkabout. She may be out all night. dirtystopout
Okay! Who has the booze? teatowelclub
Slurping down a delicious ice cold can of Pepsi Max otherfizzycaramelbasedsugarfreedrinksareavailable
Delicious vegetarian smoked cheddar (real stuff not that weird stuff dipped in smoked flavouring liquid) with bread and spring onions :-)
It's been raining now for hours. I am becoming bored. I wanted to go out but have been stuck inside. waaaghhhh
Just eaten cheese with habaneros inside. Head feels like I've dipped it in water. What a rush! brilliant

Sunday 29 May 2011

Morning planet world. Bread baking in oven and I have coffee in plastic beaker. About to cook an ommlette for breakfast.
I have run out of wine. Need to open another bottle. Be right back.
Who's forgotten David Tennett's 'Doctor' like yesterday's chip paper? howfickleweare
Just finished watching the latest doctorwho on iplayer. Well the questions keep building up don't they in this series! thatsallillsay
I think I put too much garlic butter in my sandwich. I feel unwell again. Eek!

Saturday 28 May 2011

I think it' about time to have a glass of wine isn't it?
Hmmmm...... http://ping.fm/y9P3k
I need food. What to give a nervous, unwell man with tired limbs and aching eyes?
"Maybe tomorrow, I'll want settle down.........Until tomorrow, I'll just keep moving on......"
"Every stop I make, I'll make a new friend.....Can't stay for long, just turn around and I'm gone again....."
"There's a voice that keeps on calling me......Down the road is where I'll always be......"
Why do I have the theme to the Littlest Hobo running round my head? Where did it come from? earworm
My stomach is doing somersults. My mind and body unwell with stress and work. I am in need of a cuddle. lineupplease
NOBODY tell me about doctorwho! I will watch later on iplayer! If you do I will empty a jar of really old jam on you head! warning

Thursday 19 May 2011

Decided to skip the wine this evening. Having a delicious bottle of 'Cocker Hoop' ale. alsogood
Veggy ravioli this evening wih butter and pepper, leaves, sliced jalapenos, tomato, giant cous cous, olives and pickled large sweet peppers,

Wednesday 18 May 2011

Also have some apprasials to do and a telephone network to help build. Oh the life of a hands on middle manager!
Right. Time to sort myself out and go write some more technical documentation. For the love of iso. grrrrr teatowelclub
Just off to iron today's shirt. Will be a black and white squashed squares patern today :-)
Seems birds are high on the thread this morning. @swissminx and @mrolivermellors as well. Blimey. Maybe Hitchcock's film is coming true?
Hello Chirpy Birds! Been up ages due to happy cat bouncing on bed and slapping face. Something to with birds outside to kill and eat.

Tuesday 17 May 2011

Bit too much starch on the shirt this morning. It's now possible to fold it into an oragami panda. teatowelclub
Radiohead! The only band to turn depression into an art form! teatowelclub
Bye Bye Dan! otherweathermenareavailable teatowelclub
Time to iron the shirt of the day. Black spotty one will do I think :-) teatowelclub
Bit of old school fun :-) http://ping.fm/8bv4c
Need the wine to aid resolution to bloody wireless issues with new laptop. May need different wireless driver me thinks. cleverbod

Monday 16 May 2011

@bbcchrishawkins. That experience scarred my childhood development forever. Never again would I trust the man with the pens.
@bbcchrishawkins I lovingly created a picture for Tony Heart's Gallery of a gorilla face. It was fantastic and spent ages on it. Nothing.
Breakfast - done. Shirt - done. Shave head and face - done. Insult @bbcchrishawkins - done. My morning is complete I guess. teatowelclub

Sunday 15 May 2011

Now if the beer fairy has been looking after me I should find some bottles of ale around here somewhere. reward
...and potted two hanging baskets. I am pleased, however gardening is dangerous. Am full of cuts, stab wounds, grazes and unknown rashes.
That's all the gardening for me for the year. Have cut back out of control hedge, cleared herb patch of lavender, cut grass.....
Right. Off to pot my baskets and finish the hedge with replacement sheers. :-)
Made an error with the ice cream. It's chocolate. I like my ice cream much much paler than this. The coconut chunks are a poor substitute.
Right. Back from B&Q again. Bought flowers for the baskets. Bought ice cream for me. :-)
The da da dum da da dum of the finland eurovision entry has earworrmed its way into my head suddenly.. Aarrgghh...make it stop!
Went to B&Q. Bought expensive Finnish hedge clipper. Came home excited. Set to work. Hedge clippers broken. Heading back to B&Q. circle
Right! Off to the B&Q with my bag and some pennies. Going to see what crazy madness can be had.
Couple of empty wine bottles for the recycling box testify to a fair amount of grapey alcohol consumed last night.
So Lucky! Yeah! moldova bbceurovision @bbceurovision eurovision esc ....oh....it's over....hmmm..... *shuffles back to kitchen*
Have to get some flowers for the hanging baskets too. That ought to be fun. No idea what to get. Big, flowery and drapery style please.
Going to head to B&Q today to grab some hedge sheers. Going to do me some gardening. I'm nervous. What does one do in gardening?
Sliced Jalsberg cheese, salted cucumbers and tomatoes, fresh bread and a boiled egg for breakfast! teatowelclub nomnomnom
Seems the tory fan boys are marching to support the cuts whatever the damage. Bet those eton lads don't get kettled by the police eh?!

Saturday 14 May 2011

Right then! What else is happening?
That is always so enjoyable. Love the silliness. Love the songs. Love the campness. Always brilliant! :-)
Supposed I best go for another wee before they sing again. bbceurovision @bbceurovision eurovision esc
I have no idea how to get to Baku. Going to be an interesting contest next year! bbceurovision @bbceurovision eurovision esc
Hey! I'm back. Reached my twitter limit for a bit there.
slovenia join the EU very shortly. That dance has just added 6 months to entry. bbceurovision @bbceurovision eurovision esc
The austria jury lady looks just like the contestant! bbceurovision @bbceurovision eurovision esc
Yeah conepower gets 8 points from uk to moldova bbceurovision @bbceurovision eurovision esc
The new rules for neighbour voting is helping but still some way to go. bbceurovision @bbceurovision eurovision esc
Does anyone know how bloody far away and how much it costs to get to Baku if Azerbaijan win?? bbceurovision @bbceurovision eurovision esc
The Balkan connection bbceurovision @bbceurovision eurovision esc
Let me guess... 12 points to Russia? bbceurovision @bbceurovision eurovision esc
12 points to Greece? bbceurovision @bbceurovision eurovision esc
Cyrus always gives UK high marks along with Greece. bbceurovision @bbceurovision eurovision esc
Did the Danish entry just swear on telly? LOL! bbceurovision @bbceurovision eurovision esc
The country juries have been given orders this year to reduce voting for neighbours. Will it make a difference?
Nice to see the former Soviet people looking out for each other. bbceurovision @bbceurovision eurovision esc
Let's hope the computer isn't running windows and crashes half way...LOL! bbceurovision @bbceurovision eurovision esc
He's no Brian May on Buck House is he? bbceurovision @bbceurovision eurovision esc
Cat has come to sit on my lap to watch the results. bbceurovision @bbceurovision eurovision esc
Blimey! What is that dress she's wearing? Looks like something one wears at a Vampire Wedding. bbceurovision @bbceurovision eurovision esc
Half way through a second bottle of wine. Feeling giddy. bbceurovision @bbceurovision eurovision esc
1200 songs ever played on eurovision. That's going to be one hell of a box set for someone's christmas! bbceurovision @bbceurovision esc
So torn between serbia and moldova bbceurovision @bbceurovision eurovision esc
The georgia song now. Very much going for the undead vote tonight! bbceurovision @bbceurovision eurovision esc
For those who had too much to drink and now feeling giddy at the colours...hahaha! bbceurovision @bbceurovision eurovision esc serbia
Sorry! teatowelclub I'm going to vote for these shagedelic babes too austinpowers bbceurovision @bbceurovision eurovision esc serbia
And Mystic Meg in the sandbox! Forgot about her. bbceurovision @bbceurovision eurovision esc ukraine
Ah..the lady with the chickens on her sholders. bbceurovision @bbceurovision eurovision esc ukraine
This is in danger of knocking the birdy song off the expat charts in the south of spain bbceurovision @bbceurovision eurovision esc
Oh baby! What's a nice girl like you doing on a stage like this? bbceurovision @bbceurovision eurovision esc spain
Do you imagine icelanic fishermen humming this one as they bring in the catch? bbceurovision @bbceurovision eurovision esc iceland
If Lena and the slovenia girl were on stage together having a fight who would win? bbceurovision @bbceurovision eurovision esc
Power Ballads are so in! bbceurovision @bbceurovision eurovision esc slovenia
I like this one too! She reminds me of a porn film I once saw. bbceurovision @bbceurovision eurovision esc slovenia
Not heard the uk song. Been lucky I hear. bbceurovision @bbceurovision eurovision esc
I liked this one! The Jessica Rabbit look is lovely! switzerland imnotbadijustdrawnthatway bbceurovision @bbceurovision eurovision esc
Short break...time for a wee..... bbceurovision @bbceurovision eurovision esc
I quite like this one. See...I'm swaying.... bbceurovision @bbceurovision eurovision esc italy
That piano keyboard is HUGE! bbceurovision @bbceurovision eurovision esc italy
The france song is always hampered by their refusal to sing in their own language bbceurovision @bbceurovision eurovision esc
The france opera chappie now. They never play to win for they? losttheplot bbceurovision @bbceurovision eurovision esc
Still say the russia act looks like an ad for shampoo! bbceurovision @bbceurovision eurovision esc
russia. No matter how crap the song they know they'll get 12 points from ukraine belarus georgia estonia latvia, etc. etc. disapora
This is another country praying it doesn't win. bbceurovision @bbceurovision eurovision esc greece nomoneytohostnextyear
ironic greece column, get it? ..... I'll be here all week... bbceurovision @bbceurovision eurovision esc
greece entry truely baffling. Is it a ironic statement on the futility of life as song? bbceurovision @bbceurovision eurovision esc
*sneaky liking for estonia song* bbceurovision @bbceurovision eurovision esc Scary and fun all wrapped up in dance.
estonia Godzilla remake on stage. The people in those little buildings are very scared. bbceurovision @bbceurovision eurovision esc
Oh yes! This was the Justin Bieber Takeaway Tribute Act bbceurovision @bbceurovision eurovision esc sweden
I don't think ireland really can afford to host it can they? bbceurovision @bbceurovision eurovision esc
If anyone starts humming this on Monday they're getting a thump. bbceurovision @bbceurovision eurovision esc ireland
I still don't get it. Do they have a key in their backs or run on batteries? ireland bbceurovision @bbceurovision eurovision esc
Oh dear. It's the toilet brushes from ireland now. bbceurovision @bbceurovision eurovision esc
It's power balad time. Yell it out! Where's Tom Cruise and the aeroplane? bbceurovision @bbceurovision eurovision esc hungary
That's a face for nightmares. Its the type that looms over you while you're struggling for your voice. lithuania bbceurovision @bbceurovision eurovision esc
There are some very scary smiles on the lithuania entry. bbceurovision @bbceurovision eurovision esc
Isn't eurovision more fun with twitter? bbceurovision @bbceurovision eurovision esc
jedward's hair and all of their talent denmark bbceurovision @bbceurovision eurovision esc
Oh dear. It's the Christian Rock from denmark. bbceurovision @bbceurovision eurovision esc
The bosnia entry sounded not bad earlier in the week. Clearly overplayed. bbceurovision @bbceurovision eurovision esc
Something about the Rupert Bear about the bosnia entry I can't quite put my finger on. bbceurovision @bbceurovision eurovision esc
Need more wine! bbceurovision @bbceurovision eurovision esc
He has the eurovison pater tied up. Dum de dum de dum instead of lyrics always works. bbceurovision @bbceurovision eurovision esc
Oh dear. It's the creepy Finnish guy with his we-must-all-love-the-earth song. bbceurovision @bbceurovision eurovision esc
Loving Graham Norton's commentry. The spirit and wit of Wogan still lives. bbceurovision @bbceurovision eurovision esc
Just think a Germany full of Lenas. No longer sexy, just weird and nightmarish. bbceurovision @bbceurovision eurovision esc
Damn! That's creepy! 42 Lenas! bbceurovision @bbceurovision eurovision esc
Woooooooo Hoooooooo! bbceurovision @bbceurovision eurovision esc
Dum dum dum de dum dum da da dum..da da da da daaa da dumm...... @bbceurovision eurovisiontheme
Don't anyone tell me about doctorwho. I'm saving it until tomorrow. Psyching myself up for eurovision instead :-)
This man doesn't seem to like Balmer very much ... lol... http://ping.fm/Z3CZP

Friday 13 May 2011

Just peeled the '#Windows 7' sticker off the new laptop. Need to buy a 'Powered by Linux' alternative ;-) happier
nowplaying This Is the First of Your Last Warning by Brian Jonestown Massacre
I am hungry. Am I allowed curry?
Am I the only one to find the new opensuse 11.4 default theme absolutely ghastly? veryunattractive
Time for wine!

Wednesday 11 May 2011

Time for bed! night night!
I am stuffed! toomuchfood
Going to fire up the iPlayer and watch the vikings programme. :-)
Supper prepared. Delicious salad with olive bread. Today's olive oil comes from Spain. :-) hungry
Time for some food. Off to see what's in the cupboard :-)
Cat is licking my foot in her sleep. I fear her next dream may involve food.
Would be a little ironic if those who left Rome on the fantasy of a big earthquake decided to head to southern spain for a bit! http://ping.fm/IK5La
ooo...new laptop has left China! Woo Hoo! Getting Linux disc and penguin stickers ready! happybunny

Tuesday 10 May 2011

Ironing my shirt for the day. Blue and red flowery one today but not sure where the sun has gone!
Right. Time to clean the nashers and retire to bed. Nighty night world!
Yeah! serbia back on Saturday! :-) @bbceurovision eurovision bbceurovision esc
Can't they add up those votes a little faster? @bbceurovision eurovision bbceurovision esc
Not sure about Sara Cox. Must be a radio1 thing. @bbceurovision eurovision bbceurovision esc
Cat is licking the souls of my feet with her prickly tounge! It's a delicious torture weirdly enough.
Who to vote for? It's too much! Excited! eurovision bbceurovision esc
German humour! Bit good isn't it...hmmm.. eurovision bbceurovision esc
Oh they have the gift of the gab these three! eurovision bbceurovision esc
Bring it on! eurovision bbceurovision esc
I have a chicory side salad with radish and tomatoes drizzled with greek olive oil and a spinkling of sea salt flakes. wastenofood
Have overdone the food. Made enough spaghetti for 5 thousand. Still I will do my best to clear my plate! wastenofood
For those who are curious, I now have one of these: http://ping.fm/2TocZ for blasting out 6music :-)
Just remembered I have a Milka chocolate bar in the fridge for later :-) chocolatejoy
Just about to plug in the new Stereo. I am in awe of it's beauty! Like a work of expensive art (which it was)!
Preparing a saucepan of water for some delicious square spaghetti and pesto. Got the wine ready. Soft and fruity red tonight. :-)

Monday 9 May 2011

I have eaten too much. I feel like a bloated whale about to explode. Why did I do this to myself? eyesbiggerthanmybelly

Sunday 8 May 2011

Right. Time to hit the bus. Will resume contact with the world once settled to my wooden bench as the wheels on the bus goes round and round
No time to shave this morning. Going to go for the couldn't care less look today.
Reading Cameron is throwing his toys out of the pram today refusing to fly the European flag on europeday. What a big kid!
Happy Europe Day Everyone! :-) europeday
Just fixed (I hope) mail servers remotely from home. suchacleverbunny
Door closed. Cat asleep. ipod and ipad charging. @Guy_Garvey on 6music on the radio to drift me asleep. Night Night world!
Right, time to get the bod onto the bed for some zeds. Long week from tomorrow. Five day week again! Astonishing! gobsmacked
Very little music that moves ones as much as Mozart's Requiem. Wonderful stuff culturedmarky
Just reading the bbcproms 2011 programme listings. Sadly very little Shostakovitch this year. disappointed
Love the siren though. Can't resist a sexy ghostly glowing green nurse!
I have just watched doctorwho on iplayer. Officially a 'filling in' episode me thinks :-)
About to jump into the bath and wash away the cares of the day. poetry
I miss Russia. I am watching a history of Christianity on the computer and they've reached Petersburg. Feeling slightly blue. :-(
Waiting for my bus. It is both sunny and windy. The skies are blue. I have no 6music. booo!
Sunday appears sunnier than Saturday but fortunatly I was in a cold basement server room. fortunate

Saturday 7 May 2011

Curry is a little on the spicy side. May need to grab some more bread to cool down the mouth.
Where do all these bots come from? One innocent word and you're pounced on. I feel so dirty!
Two cat paws have just emerged from the curtains and are sticking out for the world to see. They could be on sticks.
Just bought a few more bottles of Kindzmarauli, my favourite wine ;-)
I am perhaps over analysing but it can't be helped. I am in deep thought. Need to buy some more.
I sit with a refilled glass of vino and contemplate how it got there. How many millions of processes was achieved to allow me to gulp down?
oooo... Pan's Labyrinth is on the boggle box tonight! Now there's a cool film worth seeing. creepyfairytale
Curry almost ready. Looking forward to this :-) veryhungry
Drinking a rather spicy French red. It's delicious :-)
I am making a madras curry. Well, it's my version of one. Lots of chillis involved with lemon rice and some spinach and lentils. :-)
Cat has just gripped my foot mid dreamming and left holes in it. Jumped into the air, she jumped higher! owwww!
I feel like a curry! Lots of curried veggies, rice and lentils will gone down a treat right now. hungry

Friday 6 May 2011

Cat I am drinking wine. I am feeling a little light headed. It is possible I may have drunk too much. stillgoing
Time to start looking at some food. Mushroom Ravioli is on the menu tonight with lashings of fresh tomatoes, basil and olives. Wine also.

Thursday 5 May 2011

Oh yes! @bbcchrishawkins @claireslevin Kraftwerk so early in the morning! "I'm the operator of my pocket calculator" :-)
Right. Time to hit the pillows myself. Eyes dropping (but that may have been the wine). @gidcoe on 6music keeping me happy. Night Earth!
Finished supper. Was very good. Sleepy now but will hang around until 23 o'clock just to let it settle. :-)
Loving the new nokia J bluetooth headset. Wonder how much it will be when it arrives?
Need to grab some food. Spinach tortellini and asparagus thanks to @brunelzeebubIII is on the menu tonight :-) plusalargeglassoffrenchred
Bought my new my most uber expensive stereo today. Won't be with me until Tuesday - no Friday shipments. boo!
I am home. I have a can of ice cold cola and no socks on! rebel

Wednesday 4 May 2011

Time to go and vote. Happy days! yestoav
Time to go to bed. Too tired. Looking forward to slevnessday tomorrow @bbcchrishawkins @ClaireSlevin
Energy levels depleting. All ability to function fading. Am barely capable on incoherient typing (and spelling)
Right! Time for some food. Fresh pasta spaghetti tonight with veggy pesto and salad! nomnomnom
I have cream cheese spread liberally on rye bread. It is working very well with the wine.
If you can count to three, then vote AV. It's not rocket science. It's not difficult. It's not complicated. It's just 1, 2, 3.
I am drinking wine. It is red, it is French and it is very very tasty!

Tuesday 3 May 2011

Right! What's happening? justabouttogotobed
Cooking a home made veggy burger and some salad. balanceddiet

Monday 2 May 2011

Overdid the salad. Enough for 3 people. Oh well! keeptrying
Right. Going to have a bath, a cold German wheat beer and then some fresh spaghetti and pesto with salad. sorted
New ROM installed on android phone. Seems a lot quicker now and far more usable. It'll do me until next month when the new nokia comes.
Just been untangling half a mile of thread, cotton and string from vaccum head. How did it bloody get there? confused
I want my bike back! waaagghhhh!
White Kalev chocolate with blueberries now being opened. I tried to resist. I couldn't! iwasweak
Warm, sunny, blue skies. Another glourious day! It's going to come as a shock when summer starts and all this ends.... LOL!
It will be a sad day if Sarkozy and Berlusconi force the destruction of Schengen. We don't need to return to border controls. :-(
My dyson is rubbish. All the bits are clear and clean and yet it sucks worse than an ITV sitcom. I need a new one. :-( anotherexpense
Right! Who's up for helping me clean, wash, tidy and clear my home today? Any offers? Anyone? Anyone? graspingatstraws

Sunday 1 May 2011

Tonight's salad is an aduki bean and vegi-meatball with olives, stuffed vine leaves and sliced salted cucumbers. :-)
Time to get this bedroom looking like a bedroom instead of a rubbish tip. houseclearinggonewrong
Blimey! just noticed it's 20 o'clock. Where did my day go? I thought it was 18.00 ish. :-( lostintime
Just reflashed phone with factory firmware from Korea. Let's hope it goes as fast as they promised when I bought it 6 months ago.
Time to do a spot of hoovering.... back in a bit....
Have just hacked into my mobile phone and tinkering at the kernel level. dangerousfun
Time for a cup of tea. These caramel digestives won't eat themselves you know! biscuitenvy
Lovely and warm outside. Cloudy day though. Sun has moved above the clouds :-(
Time to go for a walk. Need some more refuge sacks as part of house clearance and decorating binge.
Now let's hope it isn't the last and those tits in Govt. don't cut it too! chipontheirshoulder