Saturday 31 October 2009

Bottle of Fursty Ferret going down well....
Just realised I haven't had anything green in my diet today. Bad boy! Very bad boy!
No decent ghost stories on the radio. What gives BBC?
Damn these blood sucking evil vampyres! They're only ever after one thing...
Problem with eyeball soup is obtaining enough eyeballs to make it worthwhile. One wastes so much of a body.....
I wish those whailing harpies downstairs would quiet down......
mmm...frozen brain favourite! Drizzle some raspberry juice on top....
Wondering what to have for dinner. There's always that severed head in the fridge to finish up....
Tis All Hallows Eve! A night all the monsters come out dressed as small children..... very scared!

Friday 30 October 2009

Back from the gym. Tasty veggy curry soup. Thinking of sleep now. Early start tomorrow.
I guess it was too much to hope it would start up correctly first time....LOL!
Damn! This openSUSE update is a biggie. Still going after an hour and a half.
Something not quite right about these two:
Back in work. New openSUSE release candidate available. 1.3GB download now in progress. Fresh coffee and a clean page in the notebook.
Breakfast now digesting. Finish the morning tasks and then off to work for another day of segmenting hell.
so very hungry.......

Thursday 29 October 2009

Time for bed. Time to dream. Time to relax...
Yum...Whiskey.....yum yum yum.....
Still here. Food is in kitchen. Not yet met each other...
Time to think of some food.
Thinking of pasta but starchy carbohydrates this late isn't a good idea.
Maybe some soup...?
Koshka is asleep at the bottom of the bed but with her eyes half open in a way only spooky cats can do.
Twitter just moving into lists! Just like Jaiku used to have before Google destroyed it.
Was thinking of heading out, but I think I'll vegetate with a cup of tea and a good book.
Time to go to work. Need to focus and work on segmenting network plan.
Damn! Poltergiest is still a bloody scary film!
Looks like another warm autumn day. Thanks prior generations for messing up the weather system! (That's irony for the tabloid readers.)

Wednesday 28 October 2009

Well I'm stuffed! That was pretty decent nosh. nom nom nom!
Mmmm....Tanglefoot beer...... :-)
A generous mix of red and green lentils with organic green beans being steamed in the water from the pulses are now cooking.
Time to make some food to eat. A simple salad of chard, spinach, rocquete and artichoke with lentils and green beans I think will surfice.
Not really a fan of Blair being the European Council President but the idea of PM Cameron welcoming President Blair to D. Street is fab!
Nothing constructive once again from Tory toff Cameron. Just taunts and critisism. Is this what we are to expect from him from now on?
Appalled to read of the puppy who was kicked and killed in the park by yobs. No sense of moral decency. Worthy of a kicking themselves.
Upon reflection, I would say Klaus probably belongs to the Ostrich side of politics with Bush. Head in the sand to reality in science.
Is Vaclav Klaus becoming the poster boy for the euro sceptic nationalists and little islanders?
Tasty porridge oats and goats milk this morning. Yummy!

Tuesday 27 October 2009

Just shopping for another OM lens on eBay...
An interesting article in the independent:
Fed and watered, time to clean my nashers before heading into work.

Monday 26 October 2009

Decided to go with some Beluga lentils, quorn pieces and organic green beens with a cold glass of goats milk in the end. Yum!
Oh.....and there's some badger beer in the kitchen too! Bottle of Firsty Ferret. Mind you, I did have a pint at lunch. Too many calories?
Time to grab some food. Thinking mashed sweet potatoes, butter beans and salad and courgette flowers.

Sunday 25 October 2009

Still, there are always some you miss.
True friends always keep in touch. They don't pop out of the woodwork or facebook years later.
Need to get that supper thing going but can't be arsed. Wish the meal would come to be for a change.
Could do with a few more caraway seeds and more rye next time but very good anyway.
Badger Ale...yum!
Making some delicious rye bread. Smell is very inviting.
Okay...bored now of all the Christmas ads. October and Christmas. Too much to bear.
Right. Off to the centre again. Let's see how well this sun hold up.
Nice and sunny out there presently. Wonder if it's a game between clouds and sun to get us humans out without our rain coats?
Yipee! Back to real time across Europe today.
Importing Portico Quartet's new album into iTunes from last night's concert. What a groovy band!

Saturday 24 October 2009

Icahn has resigned from Yahoo! Wonder who he will try to asset stripe next? At least Yang stood up to him!
Time to head into the centre. Watershed first me thinks...

Friday 23 October 2009

Müssen Sie nach Berlin für Feiertag zurück gehen. Ich verfehle ihn viel.
About as far away from beardy folk as you can get!
Kraftwerk on the big screen! Need another pint of Badger Ale! :-) So groovy!
Fun fun fun on the autobahn....
Blimey this curry is hot. Fantastic!
1970's German experimental electronic music. Now that sounds groovy!
wonderful limited offer on for 88 tracks at 88p however site hasn't worked properly all day! Not very fair!
Decided to put the HTC Hero on the B list presently. Moved the N900 to the bottom of the A list and slipped the HTC Dragon in front.
Just remembered I have a bottle of Bath Ales 'Gem' in the kitchen. As I'm not going out tonight, that will go down very well.
Quite fancing making a curry. I think I have some califlower left. Bath first though. Haydn on Radio 3 to chill to while soaking.
Still laughing at the comments about the muppet Nick Griffin and his facist fanboys. Nice to see the majority of people are against him too.
Eaten far too much food at lunch time. One desert too many. Feel like a weeble.
Is it me or does Griffin look like Goering's gimp boy? bbcqt
Living off imagined glories of past empires and fictional history won't move the country forward. It's been hampered by history for 60 years
Upgrading Centos 5.3 to 5.4. Such a small increase. But why do I feel so nervous?

Thursday 22 October 2009

Pots! Kettles! Daily Mail! How dare you critisie the BBC for hosting a bigot when you publish bigitory and hysteria everyday!
The only way Griffin would have survived in 1930's Germany would have been as Goering's toy. Mind you he does look like he's in a gimp mask.
Bloody Christmas decorations are up in Yate! It's mid October!
Why don't the newspapers and TV just shut up about the BNP? Just deprive them of the oxygen of publicity. Damn! Just gave them some more!
Just heard the tory right wing bastards are to tear up the human rights act. When did a Tory every consider anyone but himself anyway?
First ride into work in the dark this autumn. Winter approaches fast.

Wednesday 21 October 2009

Perhaps a long spidermonkey tail? ifihadatail
Thinking a stripe tony the tiger tail would be good. ifihadatail
Rats! Left laptop power supply in work. Oh well. I'll read my book instead.
Feeling in a foul mood today. Woe anyone who rubs me up the wrong way!

Tuesday 20 October 2009

Right. Time to get my stuff together and get to the gym else I'll be oggling the new Apple toys all evening.
We all wait in nervous anticipation of Uncles Steve and Jonathon. What new toys have they for us today?
Apple Store is down worldwide. New toys? Mmmmmm
Apple have just announced US$1.67 billion profit in three months. Did someone say there was a recession on?

Monday 19 October 2009

Looks like a wet and rainy day ahead. Hmmm..
Well written Dave! To the point!
Ooo...she's playing at St. Georges Hall in Brizzle tonight. Wonder if there are any tickets spare....
Ooo...tell you what...that new Cerys Matthews album is a right blinder!

Sunday 18 October 2009

This is too gringeworthy to ignore:
Right. Teeth to be cleaned, bag to be packed and work to be travelled to. I wish I was on holiday.
Boiled eggs went down well. Pity about the fluffy bread. Kept falling apart. I hate fluffy bread.
Not sure I'm over keen on the fluffy risen loaf thing anymore. I like the dense heavier one. Better for you too!
Add, turnip, swede, celeric, couple of leaves of green cabbage, potato, and water. Add marigold powder, parsley and soup mix.
Hole trinity of soups first: celery, leek and carrot cooking in olive oil gently....
Okay for those unfamilar with my veggie stew we need to share the ingredients to all so everyone can enjoy the low fat, guten free pleasure.
Oh YES! Pure orgasmic stew heaven!
Oh joy! The North Sea Radio Orchestra on radio 6 right now. Groovy stuff!
Blimey! That beer didn't last very long.
I think there's a bottle of Bath Gem in the fridge tucked below a bag of spinach. :-)
I just remembered. I have a bottle of Fursty Ferret! Woo Hoo!! Lovely!
stew and bread both seem a sucess visually. Quick bath and then try both :-)
sipgate is down. no telephone. waagghhh!
Wholemeal organic spelt bread cooking presently alongside a huge veggy stew.
Damn! My foot hurts today. Aching along those bones which broke a few years back.
No breakfast this morning. Too many other things to do.

Saturday 17 October 2009

Time to sleep.....
Very amusing.
Bought a new jumper and yet another shirt. I was strong though. There were 3-4 others I also wanted.

Friday 16 October 2009

DM is offering an apology and Moir will be on Channel4 news tonight to apologise, so I have been told. Is this true? thedailymailisgay
Well I have enjoyed all the comments this afternoon. Thank you all! Facist writers like Jan get what they deserve. thedailymailisgay
#thedailymailisgay Don't forget the editor approved the article from Moir so is equally to blame. Don't blame only her!
That explains everything :-) thedailymailisgay
@disappointment Jan Moir manages to walk the difficult tightrope between being a bitch and a cunt thedailymailisgay
Sorry. Bit strong that. Nevertheless you would think in this day and age attitudes towards other human beings have progressed further.
Truly disgusting and shameful article in the pile of shit that is the Daily Mail. Right wing bigoted little islander bastards.
You argue for democratic accountability Klaus, but where is the democratic process when 26 states are held ransom by 1?
We know the Tory high command has written to Vaclav Klaus about the treaty. Did they offer him anything not to sign? He plays a bad game.

Thursday 15 October 2009

right...time for bed....
Am I becoming sucked into the crazy world of Twitter? Jupitus and Fry I think makes it worth while! Many a minute wasted with their lines.
Agghhh! AhHa have just split.
Memories from my youth come flooding back.
ooo...all those Linux updates pushed my openSUSE install to 11.2 RC1. Lovely!
Innocent veg pot for lunch.
True they do look like a Cow & Gate baby meal post microwave but they are hot and with a bread roll filling.
Klaus is being a git once again....
Blimey! Should have brought a jumper. Bit chilly today.
1002 packages to be updated on today's linux update run...crumbs!

Wednesday 14 October 2009

Yawning much this morning. The dawn came too soon.
Theatre tonight. Spy Monkey's Moby Dick at the Old Vic. Excellent. Let's hope the evening isn't too cold afterwards. Robert Service book has just arrived. It isn't out until Friday. Lucky me! :-)
Am I really too orangy for crows?

Tuesday 13 October 2009

Thawte are stopping the personal email certificate service.
Gutted! Look for another provider? Sad day!
Accused of many things but a Tory Sympathiser?! That kept me laughing for a while.
It's nothing to do with what you know. It's about getting away with what you don't!
Company ought to be ashamed of itself.
This Guardian gagging thing seems to have set the twitterverse alive with contempt for the court and solictors. Damn right too! No gagging!

Monday 12 October 2009

I would hate to have been the chicken who laid these double-yokers. She wouldn't have walked for a week. HUGE! Poor thing.
Back from the gym. A little salad before I relax and then off to bed later.

Sunday 11 October 2009

tasty organic porridge oats and milk with a teaspoon of home made damson and cinammon jam.
Breakfast time! Oh how I have missed you. Been a whole day since we met last!
Now that's odd. Woopra tells me 2 visitors have seen my site using Safari 5! Latest is 4. Hmmm.....
Time for the Horlicks. Maybe it will help me sleep better.
Work...hmm...yes..well....perhaps a little... white chocolate. I know I shouldn't but good....
Decided to crack open the Polish mustard. Did not regret. Yum. Spread on the bread and enjoy!
Well lunch on the stove now. Spring greens, leak, celery and veggy hot dog sausages. Home made bread and mustard at the standby.
so much to do....need lunch first though....
New Hitchhikers book out today. Pity no Sunday deiveries from Amazon. On the otherhand, will Royal Mail deliver tomorrow?
Perhaps I am turning into one of those odd ball conspiracy theorists?
I wonder what Tusk promised Kaczynski to make him sign so quickly?

Saturday 10 October 2009

Woo Hoo! Poland has signed! Excellent news. Now then Vaclav, do the sensible thing and lets get the EU working for it's citzens again!
Well I have my new jacket. Timberland three in one, waterproof and fleece. 20% RRP swung it in the end.
Bread is good. Not a high riser but very tasty. Right, off out now to do a little shopping for jackets.
What a wonderful sunny day! Seems odd to want to buy a winter jacket in this weather!
Ooo..this is nice. Upload the B+W photos to Illford and they print them properly on B+W paper using proper inks.
Yahoo!'s meme looks polished. Competition for Twitter or just another lovely product to gather dust on Yahoo!'s shelf?
Damn it all! It's Saturday! In which case I SHALL have a another cup of tea! See how decadant and carefree I am!
Popped all the bits in the machine for some more bread later. Flour had an inspirational picture of Wallace and Grommit on the front.

Friday 9 October 2009

Time for breakfast. Free range organic feed boiled eggs and home made wholemeal bread. This isn't just a breakfast..this is a..... :-)
Mmmmm...alfaso sprouts....
Okay been good. Plate has 75% salad and 25% organic spaghetti and pesto.
Spaghetti and salad this evening. Carbohydrates be damned. I want some tasty pasta today.
Damn that Vaclav Klaus! The man just wants to stir up trouble for the sake of it. Bloody right wing politicians!
Obama? Nobel Peace Prize? Now there's a surprise!

Wednesday 7 October 2009

Painful decisons ahead = We like cuts, it's in our nature. It's your fault for not being rich. Grrrr.... nasty people!
Got my copy ordered. Feel the need to wear my dresssing gown while reading it.
At last..the last of Robert Service's biography trilogy is about to be released. Time to dive into the history of Trotsky :-)
'The Very Best of Chas and Dave' in the 'Rock' section of the iTunes store. Who says Americans have no humour (or is that humor?)?
Blimey. Not used to low tempertures after summer. Hot cup of lemon tea I think to warm the bones will go down well.
Oh dear. Another set of degregulation for businesses are needed so they say. Wasn't it the lack of regulation which caused us issues before? I have missed you....

Tuesday 6 October 2009

Feeling run down and pretty awful this morning. No reason for it. Plenty of sleep and plenty of food. Must be the weather.

Monday 5 October 2009

So very very hungry....
Looks like '3' have bawlked at the n900. May have to buy myself. On the other hand, HTC Hero and iPhone on '3' soon.
Oh well..time to go and chill now anyway. Blonde beer and blonde women [sic]. :-)
As soon as we start accepting that that better our strained relationship. The rest of Europe has moved on. Only UK and Russia left in 19c.
Just point out that 19th century views on soverignty and spheres of influence don't work. They don't work for Russia nor the UK., I'm off out tonight and probably all night..yeah on a school night too! I'm so naughty!
Yes but the loonies may take over the asylum soon in the UK. The MER may fall apart before then. Few want to talk to them.
I don't think the Tory's would hold much swing over Patten. He's much more sensible that the loony right in Parliament or the MER at the EP.
Chris Patten would be a good first choice as 'foreign minister', yes. But I think keeping Javier Solana there would be a better option.
I like the idea of Hans-Gert Pettering or even Tarja Halonen as president.
Yes, it is a shame. A fallen idol in a way. A man of good and decent social convictions but tarnished by a foolish war legacy.
I don't think he will be forgiven or trusted by the others.
Italians, French, eastern countries, nordic, possibly Germany may say yes.
He's legacy is one of Bush's poodle and his role within the Iraqi War.
I can't see the Spanish going for Blair. His defining legacy isn't as it started as a reformer and social champion.
Mind you, if it finally forces the Council of Ministers to make their meetings public it may be a good thing.
Hmmm...President Blair. Uncertain about that. Better the role be adminstrative than one of a leader.

Sunday 4 October 2009

Baking some wholemeal and seeds bread. Not sure this loaf will be a sucess. Difficult to tell at this stage.
I can't beleive there are still people around who think the new century began in 2000 and not 2001. Look at a calendar. We start in year 1!

Saturday 3 October 2009

Lots of new music courtesy of the Fopp shop :-)
No coffee. No tea. No milk. No orange juice. hmm... water it will have to be then.
Many pensioners can't afford to pay to heat their homes let alone £6000 insurance payment.
Oooo....look...a tory policy! Wow! Don't see actual policies often. Pity it's only of benefit to the Tory classes.
Woke up late. Need to rush at superman speeds.

Friday 2 October 2009

Back from company presentation. Been a long afternoon. Very hungry.

Thursday 1 October 2009

Life is just bearig down on me presently. I see no way out.