Thursday 30 September 2010

Lebanese food followed by Jazz concert this evening. Good times! :-)

Tuesday 28 September 2010

Thumbs up for libreoffice. Move away from oracle as fast as possible lads based on present actions.
Pick up my new clothing this week too! Hope those boots are still there!
Hoping to trade in my bike now I have it back. Groovy new sports bike perhaps?

Monday 27 September 2010

Okee Dokee. Night Night tweeties. I already hear the familar sound of snorning above. Off for another visit to dreamland.... xx
Feeling sleepy now. Just pop these card numbers in and then off to bed. Arms and Legs alive. Need to rest and dream... Robert Rankin.... .....
.....Bit of Chekhov..... dum de dum dum dum....
Added Slynx to the basket....wheeling the virtual trolly around the shelves....
Amazon is tempting me with too many books. Damn you! How dare you present the binded word to me with colourful covers! tooweaktoresist
Ah.....found the whisky bottle. My darling liquid of joy. She will not hide you from me again...
I now have fish on my new mobile phone. They are swimming around the screen with a beauty known only to 2D creatures the world over.
That said, I was doing much the same last Friday :-)
Age 27, Kim Jong-un is now a General. Blimey. At that age I was still giving it large on lager and flashing lights!
Hard to find the Ashcroft story on BBC now. Leant on from on high? Interesting use of Cameron's Big Society.
Strange how the IMF support the Tory cuts on public services while a few months back supporting Labour's spending plans. Arse Elbow anyone?
blimey! I haven't felt so painfully hungry in a very long time. Rice going down well now.
Stomach is making painful interactions with the rest of me demanding food still cooking. Maybe I'll pass out on the way to the cooker.
Just learned my bike has been ready for collection for some time, not told me, leaving me with a hefty storage fee. Bastards!
The battery on this new android phone has the capacity of a goldfish's memory. Seems to last 12 hours on a good day. :-(
Expecting a horse drawn carriage to emerge from the mist with either Peter Cushing or the White Witch!
Dark, foggy and an earie sense of meloncoly this evening. I think I have found my way to either Narnia or a Hammer Horror film!
Definate sign of a double chin in embryo. With most fat out of diet, time to turn to carbohydrates and ... :-(

Sunday 26 September 2010

Just taken a bottle of HobGoblin from the fridge. Blimey! This is a beer even better when cold!
Is it just me or doeS 'The Peoples Post Office' sound like a sinister secret society?
How can I have felt so good yesterday and so crap today?
Why did TV and film people think it was cool to add fins to bikes to make they futuristic in the 80s? Bond's bike just looks so wrong.
Just realised Never Say Never Again is on. Connery in his middle years being!
Feeling tired and shagged out after a long squawk. Need some air.

Saturday 25 September 2010

I can't be the only one who finds the smell of cheap cannibas everywhere bloody awful! Stinks like cold milky tea!
Well I don't know about the rest of you, but we've had a lovely day!
Partied out. Eyes ache. Tounge feels like sandpaper. Very hungry! No liberated traffic cone, but I'm sure it's around here someplace.

Friday 24 September 2010

One ticket for all clubs at brisfest tonight in bristol. Oh yes! Shall be pulling a few shapes with glo-sticks later! :-)

Wednesday 22 September 2010

Still undecided about new Android phone. Feels like typical google product; unfinished
New Olympus magazine just unwrapped. Lovely!
Put lentils! Little green pearls of joy!
Hot bath time. Relax and tweet from steamy room!

Monday 20 September 2010

Think I'll have a dram of this new bottle of Glenlivet 12 year old first..
Taking my new scars to bed. Cat stares with uncomfortable intent.
Cat very upset and miserable post flea drops. Put up a good fight but lost. Not happy!
Damn! I hate Xmas. Already being pushed at me by retailers.
On the other hand...fantastic Bruckner concert on radio3. Something good on the airwaves :-)
Let's face it. How many ordinary people give a damn what they say at them?
Ah..the season of political conferences where politicians of all flavours get to talk bollocks for the be benefits of the press.

Sunday 19 September 2010

Large pot of vegetabe stew bubbling away. Ought to last me a few days. :-)

Saturday 18 September 2010

Jura whisky. mmmmmmm!!!

Friday 17 September 2010

@jo6music Eyes closed, arms slowly waving in the air, raving in kitchen...
Not sure QI in a family friendly pre watershed BBC1 primetime slot sounds so apealing. Loosing it's edge?
Working my way through the functions of Android. Very weird system. Trying to be both Linux and iOS at once.

Thursday 16 September 2010

Hopefully all will be easier when I get a new nokia later in year
New telephone driving me nuts. Too many things to learn.

Wednesday 15 September 2010

Time for bed. I already hear snooring from the floor above. Guess that's a clue. LOL!
Hot bath and then some grub. Soup dragon? Where are you?

Tuesday 14 September 2010

Just consumed the biggest, most giganticus, hugest, bowl of porridge ever. I feel like a bloated wheeble.
Loving Nokia's new protable telephonic communictor devices. Wonder what their Chinese opposites at HTC have at tomorrows shindig?
Yeah I know! It's silly, it's full of plot holes about the same size as South Glos. potholes but hey it has Brent Spiner being creepy!
Ooo...Independence Day on the telly box again! Recalling seeing this at the cinema and hearing the biggest cheer when the whitehouse goes up!
Nice to see I'm a candidate for ff three weeks running. :-) I guess I must be more interesting that I thought :-)
When you haven't had them in a long while, rock salted and olive oil drizzled red potatoes taste fantastic!
Worried that two of those are actually American. Need to focus harder. Food first me thinks.
Ha...Lansley puts word worming into a new league. At least NHS Direct is saved....for now!
Went to buy a Galaxy S from the shop but none left. Desire has left me now. Oggling Nokia's new toys on the web. geektweet

Monday 13 September 2010

Is it possible to say "Eileen Gillard" without using an Australian accent?
Incredibly insensitive new low for the dailyfail
Yippie! olympus e5 piccies emerging from the web. Beginning to drool! Sadly cost of living more expensive than last year! :-(
8th Mobile Phone throwing competition. Brilliant!
Needing some food before this evening's remote server work. Be happier when the budget, migration and ISO stuff is complete.
Unbelievable! Scrapping playgrounda because they don't reduce the national debt! sameoldtories

Sunday 12 September 2010

Ogling a Triumph ST 1050 at a fairly decent price online. Might just be able to scrape enough together. Hmm...
Morning twiiterverse!
Amazing quirk of fate that a tropical fruit like the pineapple tastes best when taken cold from the fridge. Lovely!
New partwork advertised on the tellybox, Rocks and Minerals with a free rock on each one. What happens when they reach Urainium?
Ooo...Octopussy on the tellybox! Crazy loony plot lifted from loony Forstyth's Forth Protocol but with more clowns.
western made noodles. Proof that nature abores fast food. Tastless rubbish.
Sunny Day. Lots of work to do. Going to miss it all :-(

Saturday 11 September 2010

< YAWN >
Taking a break from work to watch uber long version of Metropolis at @wshed.
picking up some things for work later post this delicious coffee and cake.
Conversation levels drop when someone starts to chat in sign language. Why??
Right! Heading into the centre for some shopping and food on this sunny day. Time for a few hours relaxation before more work later.
Ah....back to the 80s as Tory thinktank looks for more even tougher union rules as jobs and services are threatened. .
@jo6music Loving the Katzemjammer! More! :-)

Friday 10 September 2010

Don't get the wrong idea. I didn't finish a whole bottle this evening!
Whisky bottles just aren't large enough. The contents finished far too soon. :-(
Sometimes I truely hate Flash. It's insistance to run my CPU full speed and send my processor fans crazy is just stupid.
Do have some tasty whisky though. It's tempting me from its glass walled prison.
Actually, that shoud have read, "run out of beer". Clearly not drunk enough!
Bugger! Run of beer!
It's sad that most people's association with the bbcproms is the jingoistic flag waving last night when they miss so many fantastic concerts
Montevedi's Vespers on radio3. Lovely! bbcproms
Yeah! Tis salad time again! Hallumi and beetroot tonight! :-)
0.1% on international transactions would recover billions in a single year! The ideology of private capital without moral consequences :-(
Riddle me this condem peeps. With bank profits high, why are you not recovering national debt from dividends and banks who borrowed it?
Ah..neolib Cable showing his Tory colours once more by selling us another company we already own. Bye Bye Post Office.
Ah well. Metropolis out of the question. I shall therefore drink beer!
Aroma of wacky weed and sick not helping bus journey home....
Now I dream of beer and unhealthy food.
Wonder if I can make it to Metropolis at @wshed tonight?
Ticked off a few boxes today with warm fuzzy feeling of achievement.
Having just submitted largest IT budget in company history I no go home calm and without stress.

Wednesday 8 September 2010

Time for be? Bed Bed Bed!

Yeah. All done. Routing is working more efficiently. Servers are all froopy and groovy and failover errors resolved for DAG. Time for bed!
Damn. Tweets getting techie. Must be careful. Else I'll come across as a sad techno geek.
Just shrunk down an oldie worlde mailstore from 41GB to 7GB in under 3 mins. I like my new servers. They rock despite using Windows.
Needing sleep. Just need to finish repairing these routing issues and then I can dive under the duvet.
Working remotely on servers in data centre at Bristol via system in Bath on my laptop at home. Technology today eh?
Damn. Just realised I've been missing Bruckner's Symphony No. 7 on radio3 at the bbcproms. I'll grab it on iplayer later.
Feeling a lot better now. Been too tired and hungry all day.
Completely stuffed now. However I may be able to fit in some ginger laced chocolate.
ooo...We Need Answers is back on bbc4. Brilliant!
Ah..salad is ready. Nom Nom
Why 5 croquettes in the packet and not 4 or 6? Does this mean I have to buy 2 packets to appear not greedy? Irony all round!

Tuesday 7 September 2010

That was irony for those who missed the point! Look it up. Comes after fool and humour in the dictionary.
Time for a little light reading before sleep. Back to Trotsky's biography. Good job we don't have driven mad ideologs in charge these days.
Woo Hoo!! The new @bjork Moomin song has arrived in itunes! Good times for a good cause! :-) Downloading now....
Cat needing a cuddle while I am needing both arms..

Monday 6 September 2010

I wonder why I hven't seen many £2 coins in a long while. I used to pop them regually into the pot but haven't done so in a while. Hmmm
Morning world!
Bit dark out there today.
Curried leftovers for supper this evening. Nom Nom.
ooo....#doctorwho at the bbcproms is on bbc3 tonight. Coolio! :-)
well...that's the last chapter of Blair's book read. What can I say other than hmmmm.

Sunday 5 September 2010

Cozy relationship between News International and the Met Police. Hmmm..
Just wondering if the people who did this Transformers movie ever thought about making some toys to recoup the wasted cash spent?
Only feels like a few days ago fun, silly Moonraker was on, now we have dull, dull, For Your Eyes Only. Oh well...
Problem with being in a senior management position is the lack of time to relax or take holiday. Too much work to do. Too much :-(
Thinking about having a bottle of Firsty Ferret between bouts of housework, homework and workwork.

Saturday 4 September 2010

Test 2
Sleepier than a bear drinking nightol before hibernation.
Blair pelted with eggs, senior Tory defects to Labour while Coulston still under presure. Who says politics can be dull? Fun and games!
Blair pelted with eggs, senior Tory defects to Labour while Coulston still under presure. Who says politics can be dull? Fun and games! :-)

Friday 3 September 2010

Camera battery charging for the bristol kite festival today ( Looks like a good day for it too :-)
Whiskey, whiskey, whiskey....mmmmmm
How did Whiskey come to be some damn delightful? Mmmmmm
Daily Fail giving away money to attract readers. I wonder when the Express starts doing likewise?

Thursday 2 September 2010

Tis Beard Day! Woo Hoo!!!
Ah....letter from council for voting registration just opened. Hmm...Tory run council who are crap replace with LibDem Tory wannabes?
Too early for perogi?
Delicious glass of Jura whiskey hitting the spot very well! Mmmmm
Feel like a bloated walrus. Too much soup. Need to have a lie down with the book and read a couple more chapters before sleep.
Not sure about this slightly different version of Pictures at an Exhibition. Doesn't make sense why Wood changed it all around. bbcproms
Just broke my unwritten rule and had a second large bowl of soup. Bad marky...bad bad marky....
Another evening with the bbcproms and another delicious bowl of borsch with smetana. Nom Nom Nom!

Wednesday 1 September 2010

Crazed parents driving kids a mile to school so they don't ware out their little feet! Gits! Road chaos!
What's with the sideways windows control buttons in itunes 10? Come on apple! Stick to your own guidelines!
Time for bed. Time for another chapter in Trotsky's life. Time for more weird cheese dreams. :-)
I hear the bubbling of soup from a nearby pot.....
Still no sign of itunes 10. Busy servers or the elves at apple not ready? new big Touch for Marky from Messers Jobs and Ives. Still stuck at 64GB. Looks like a 160GB classic then for me.
Oooo...This weekend's festival in bristol is for kites! Cool!
Apple store hanging plain white banners in window. New toys day has arrived again.....