Friday 30 September 2011

Tis me! It's bright and warm here in da west!
Sleep time. So damn hot though, don't know how I will.

Thursday 29 September 2011

Apple's email is down. How am I to enjoy my daily spam deleting without access?
I like two weekly bin collections! Pickles you prat! Don't you see how this discourages recycling?
Time to sleep. Whisky nightcap and then to bed.
Home made mushroom cream and Madeira soup with fresh dill, wild mushrooms and sage. Mmmmmm
I am very hungry. Considering my options. Posh soup is the most likely candidate tonight.

Wednesday 28 September 2011

What a twat Hague is. He really is a first class pillock when it comes to anything. Does he really think his comments will help UK? daft

Tuesday 27 September 2011

I am still 3Kg over my proper weight. Why won't it go away? Damn you body! Why do you make it so hard to get right?
I need a holiday! justsaying

Monday 26 September 2011

Right then! I need a Fed-2b with Industar 50mm in perfect condition. Who has one spare?

Sunday 25 September 2011

Just back from a couple of a few hours at the pub. Some moron stuck Siege Siegue Sputnik followed by Blue on jukebox. Had to leave..
Next time I hear a Tory saying they didn't have a choice screwing up the economy I will personally go round and give him a chinese burn! git
Osborne's comments on Eurozone is like the annoying boy yelling at the grownups from the he knows better. Go away, play with your toys!
More coffee needed! justsaying

Saturday 24 September 2011

Time to sleep! I will dream marvellous things; will understand life's greatest mysteries, will discover fantastic truths and forget all.
Playing mellow jazz in the evenings remind me of when I was little staying at my Nan's house overnight.
I do love modern European Jazz! justsaying
Cat has paws around my neck and is snoring into my ear. I ask for a woman, I get Cat. Life sometimes has a weird sense of humour.
Still @bbcchrishawkins is on the radiobox from 7 so getting up early to make room for it won't seem very different to a weekday.
Tomorrow I have a new sofa being delivered. The old ones, however is still cluttering up my living room. Need to get them to the tip.
I am tired. I need whisky, women and wonderful music.
Big bowl of borch and smetana. Delicious! :-)

Thursday 22 September 2011

Big saucepan of borsch just prepared for tonight's supper. Veggies simmering now. Quick trip to the Polish shop for some Smetana later :-)
I have drunk 3 double whiskys. I am becoming 'casual'. Time to get some food.
Weird thing is, I'm really quite laid back but that was part of problem. I let things build up and had to snap things back into line. :-(
Bad day today. Had to 'have words' with my junior in work today. Brought the man to tears. Feel very bad now. Time to drink.

Wednesday 21 September 2011

Toasted and crispy rye bread with garlic and cold beer. Nice!
I'm going to have a bath, drink some whisky and watch go to bed with a book and Cat. :-(
Crap day. Feeling very blue. Needing a cuddle. Anyone...anyone....oh well....

Tuesday 20 September 2011

mmm... boiled chicken eggs with rye and caraway bread. nomnomnom
I have a red autumn ale. justsaying

Monday 19 September 2011

Darker than the inside of the Ghost Train outside. Not looking forward to the ride this morning.
Muesli truly is rabbit crap from the bottom of the hutch. justsaying
Cat just brought in her morning breakfast hunt. This one was dead. That's not like her. She's just taken it outside to eat quietly. mouse
Ooo...get me with the shiny new Kasabian album in my hands. What pleasures can be made? What exciting times are ahead? *turning up volume*

Sunday 18 September 2011

I am home. I am waiting for two gas engineers. One to fix the boiler and one to check the metre. After this I am going to the pub! plans

Sunday 11 September 2011

Cooking a squash curry. The smell is very very good! :-) Even cat is licking her lips.
Back home. Beered out. Jarvis is a welcome homecoming 6music
I am going to the pub. The warm sunny weather demands a book reading time while enjoying a local ale.
Need to go shopping in a bit. Am in need of a few tasty consumables but can't drag myself away from @bjork on 6music
Sent flowers, chocolates and Sovetskya champanska to my friend and his new wife in Kyiv. Wedding was low key in jeans and t-shirts. fab
Trying to find a suitable bouquet of flowers to send to my friend Mike and his new wife in Kyiv. Bewildering choice. So many options! eek!

Saturday 10 September 2011

Time for bed. Sleepyhead needs some zeds. zzzz
Just realised I have £70 in Ukrainian money left over. Will need another visit to spend it. sensible
Off to watch Troll Hunter at @wshed today. Should be a cracker! :-)
One delicious mushroom and dill ommlette coming up. Who has the coffee?

Friday 9 September 2011

Can't beleive I'm reading Dickhead Cheney is still saying waterboarding torture is fine and dandy. Guy is so round the rightwing bend.

Thursday 8 September 2011

Right! Feeling hungry. Boiled chicken eggs, rye bread and salted butter for breakfast. Lovely!
I am having a glass of whisky. This is necessary. It calls me from the bottle like some evil trapped harlot. I am weak. I cannot resist.
Now boiling sliced potato to accompany the salad. Dill at the ready! :-)

Wednesday 7 September 2011

Lalalala......lalalalaaaaaa...hey jude singalong 6music teatowelclub
Still no hot water this morning. Not a problem. No chicken eggs left in the cupboard this morning. Big problem! breakfastfail

Tuesday 6 September 2011

Sometimes a 15 year old single malt is just what is needed! whisky
Just caught up with torchwood on iplayer. Seems to get better and better!
Time for whisky!
Pie looking good so far. Shop out of dill. Crazy fools. Will need to have bare spuds!
Boiling some potato slices to accompany the chestnut and green beans pie :-) teanews

Monday 5 September 2011

Lentil curry with braised tofu tonight. Lovely! suppernews

Sunday 4 September 2011

Loving Google's Freddie tribute this morning on their logo. Sound and all. Fab!
and who'd guess he has a book to publicise? darling
Mr. Darling seems to have a bee in his bonet doesn't he? Everyone was wrong, everyone was out to get him, he was the man who saved all?
Going for a walk in the sun! :-)
coffee and croissants with salted butter and apricot jam. Nicely Nicely!

Saturday 3 September 2011

Cat has gone to sleep but has forgotten to put tounge back in mouth. She looks a right loon! catnews
Watching doctorwho later. Noone say anything. I have a big stick!
Thinking of popping over to the Bristol Kite Festival today. Should be fun!
Need to buy some new jeans. Worn mine out. Why are they so expensive?