Saturday 30 April 2011

Time for bed and sleep. Nighty night world :-)
I am still awake.
I am drinking a cold Pepsi Max. It is very tasty on this warm night. othercolasareavailable
Cat has left her spot in the window to return to my legs. Her furry blanketness is overheating me but I hate to disturb her.
OOo...Dirty Harry is on the magic lantern box. May fire up tvcatchup :-)
Curry is almost ready. Just preparing some lemon rice :-) nomnomnom
Right that does it. Best get this curry cooked.....
Cat has wrapped herself around my naked feet. Her furry head and body is comforting.
@virginmedia again throttling my Internet access. Down to 1.8Mbps tonight. Don't lie to me any more! Why do you do this so often?
Just watched this evening's doctorwho on iplayer. Confusing. A million loose ends. Going to need more than 11 more episodes I think!
I think I may have curry for supper.
The run of warm sunny weather doesn't seem to be ending any time soon. A deliciously warm one planned. Looking good for park and book time.

Friday 29 April 2011

Loving the Freaker Zone tonight. Wonderful spooky tunes 6music
The bottle of wine is now empty. My soul is content. Very bad form to leave a half finished bottle.
I am still drinking wine. I have drunk much but there is still some left in this bottle.
Salad supper is now ready. Everybody chowl down. nomnomnom
Going to crack open a bottle of red. Who's with me? bringaglass
I am tired. I have too much housekeeping to do and I am getting nowhere. I need to burn it down and start again.
Just realised I forgot to buy for tickets for the Simple Things Festival in bristol this Sunday. eekk!
Hall & Oates now on 6music? Blimey talk about an inclusive radio station. Thought the dial had slipped to radio2 for a min. @lamacqshow
Cat's fur is very soft, silky and sweet smelling today. I think she may have been bathing in Lenor.
Just switched back to 6music to find Kraftwerk. Fantatsic! :-)
I hear the raf bombers are on their way through the skies. Could we see the crowds cut down in front of buck palace? kickingoff
Police kettling people in front of Buck Palace? Will it kick off? Plastic bottles of middle class water being lobbed with uneaten humous?
Just been told the TV broadcast has no special effects, moody music, gay kiss or proportional ethinic minorities arguing. weddingletdown
It must be good to marry into a family who provides party accessories. It must make the reception cheaper :-)
At least Kate's parents can supply all the party hats and volivants! lucky
Is it safe to put 6music back on now? Will it be free of any wedding realted nonsense?
When does the drunken mooning from the windows begin?
Did anyone bring a lifesized cardboard cutout of Diana for one of the chairs and the Daily Express and Mail reporters?
Noone does dull, pomp and arrogant historical play acting like the British.
Back now. Is it over? Can all the fawners and sycophants please now go home so we can get back to normality? weddingfreeday
To the shops we go......
Off to the shops for a bit of browsing, cushion buying, and exercise. Need some ingredients too. Feels like a veggy cottage pie night. nom
Hysteria! wordoftheday
Going to cook some veggie sausages with lashings of mustard. :-)
With 6music letting me down today as a weddingfreezone I may press one of those other buttons on the radio and listen to radio3 instead.

Thursday 28 April 2011

Kisses and hugs to you all! Song for @swissminx :-)
Very sleepy now. Going to join cat and go to the land of nod dreaming abstract thoughts of huge nestle milky bar towers and giant kittens.
Oh and don't forget flagheads, all those little union jacks were probably printed in china :-)
Thinking of playing wedding bingo! You get a point for each time you hear the trigger words, Will, Kate, Dress, Wedding, Bored silly, etc.
Bomb the Base on 6music. Retro head bobbing! bringiton
Bugger! Hot water broken again. Cold shave today :-x

Wednesday 27 April 2011

Ooo...just realised I bought a bag of Panda cherry liquorice yesterday. toearlyforsweets?
Fixed twitter for android bug. Had to visit Application Settings & clear all data from cache and app. unfriendly stupid firethetesters
Just updated twitter on android. Damn thing no longer works. Oh how I disliking Android. twitterfail androidfail
Oh dear. Loonyshenko is throwing his toys out of the pram a bit.
The world outside is sunny and bright again this morning. @shaun6music pop on Mr. Blue Sky will you? Looks like a day possibilities. :-)

Tuesday 26 April 2011

Updating the firmware on my new camera. Scary Scary!
Off to the Three shop tomorrow to drool over the new nokia E7. Not sure I can wait for X7 next month to compare. geeklove
I have put away the haribo. Not sure I can handle too many jelly sweeties. haribofail
I admit it. I can't handle my haribo weakling
I have eaten a dozen haribo. I am feeling giddy. sugarrush
I have found my new camera!
It was hiding behind my new penguin cushion! :-)
New camera very definetly lost. Will need to claim on insurance I think. Trying to backtrack steps presently.
The sun has got its hat on...hip hip hip horaay... hot
I have just realised I have lost my new olympus xz1. Gutted! Cost me quite a few pennies.
Hunting for sideboards is boring. I need a drink. Off to the shop for fizzy pop and vegetarian haribo!
I wonder what Albania is like for a holiday? lookingforsomethingdifferent
Had my eye on a delicious VitaAudio R2i yesterday. But considering spending more on a R4i now. Do I need it? Does it matter?
I am tempted to visit the bakers and get some warm croissants. Not sure why. Not usually a food I buy, but feel the pastry urge.

Monday 25 April 2011

I am home. I am exhausted. Expect little from me world.
Right. Off to look at a new stereo, table lamp and sideboard. :-)
Just been reading the Guantánamo wikileaks reports. Astonishing degree of stupidity and lack of care. Supposed to be terrorists and yet....

Sunday 24 April 2011

Feeling exhausted. Signing off early today for long sleeping duty.
The Chitty Chitty Bang Bang car! Please can I have it? Please?
I have just seen a TV ad which uses the word 'awesome' without irony. No doubt 'dude' will be next.
Cat is eating chopped up dead cow. I am preparing a tasty halloumi salad. posteastercheeseblitz
I am melting.....
I am going for a walk in the sun. I suspect I may visit a pub. For this I am taking a book and some pennies with me. itismycalling
I have just realised it has been many years since I have eaten a cream egg. Why did I stop? Did they taste like slime?
I am wondering if the pub is open today. There is cold beer that needs to be drunk, savoured and loved like a newly born lamb.
As an Easter theme I am playing the Lovely Eggs. Damn washing line smile has been whipping around my ears for days.
This is all too much. I think I'll have some food and then pace the living room back and forth like a depressed polar bear.
I wish to go out. I wish to drink beer. I fear I may be in the house all day.
The sun has returned. The clouds are moving away. This is indeed a happy Pascha! :-)
Some lovely old photos of 1960s Moscow here.
Now THESE are Easter Eggs! :-)
Okay I have goose egg ommlette with sliced veggie hot dog sausages within, sliced salted cucumbers, baby plum tomatoes and peppers with feta.
It's lovely and restful knowing all the shops etc. are shut. Reminds me of Sundays in Germany and those here when I was a mere nipper.
Spatulas snapped mid ommeltte creation sending chipped parsley and dill all over the place. badomen
Warming up nicely outside despite the lack of sunshine. However without my bike I can't go for an enjoyable ride. hurryupandgetitfixed
Time to cook the first eggs since February. Goose egg ommlette for breakfast :-)
The sun has gone. On Easter Day when celebrations are many the clouds have come out to play.

Saturday 23 April 2011

Happy Easter one and all! Even the agnostics, athiests and others. Crack open an egg and enjoy the day :-)
Time to party!
Seeking out the vodka from the fridge!
Easter Day!!!
Wooo Hooo!!!!
Христос воскрес!
Carrie and Rosemary's Baby are on telly tonight. It is clear my thoughts are as dark as Film4's schedulers for Easter Eve.
Up Pompeii is on tonight. I only watched that on youtube a short while ago. spooky
I have just realised I have never seen Exorcist II, Exorcist III or either of the two prequels. Odd thoughts for Easter Eve I know.
Same goes for Will Ferrell. Who are these people to blank my mind so and to drain enthusiam so rapidly for a motion picture?
I don't know about anyone else but when I see a film with Ben Stiller in the cast, my mind wanders and I am no longer interested.
If I slow down and make them last an hour I could add mayonaise but for now this will be fine.
I am eating a plateful of oven chips with salt and vinegar liberally dressing them. hungry
An hour and a half until Easter! Not going out tonight as usual to enjoy the service in Bristol. Should have been celebrating in Riga :-(
Am endulging with Thai mango slices in juice. Very lovely and very cold. :-)
Watching this evening's doctorwho on the iplayer. Very much darker than the last series.
Cat is now licking my leg. Her rough tounge is both painful and a reminder of something, but I can't remember what.
Cat is home with me. She is curled around my legs once more like an unwelcome summer furry blanket. She is licking my toes. It tickles.
The world outside is a few degrees colder. It is not cold but the heady heights of 27 we reached today makes it feel so. I am not cold.
I am excited. Always am on Easter Eve.
Then again, the loss of my holiday last week to Riga has caused me to be down £500 so perhaps I may reduce my spending and just chill.
And while I'm at it a new Dyson. Mine is on its last rollers. :-( caniafforditall
Still very hot and getting warmer. Got an unironed linen shirt on to be both cool, hip and trendy. reallylooklikeatramp
Am also considering the purchase of a new sideboard, table and Vita Audio stereo (okay last one is a desire more than need but still...)
Could today be sofaday? Could I finally make my choice and hand over hard worked purple notes wrapped in elastic bands? stillnotsure
Vic and Bob - Monkeys. Don't know why, it just feels like one of those days.
Damn hot out there. Feels warmer than yesterday. Going to need many ice cold drinks today.
Right. Work trousers at the cleaners, shopping done, now enjoying bran flakes, grape nuts and banana with coconut milk.

Friday 22 April 2011

Time to go to sleep. Night night twitterverse.
Cat's home. Had her supper now wrapped around my legs furonasummerevening
Very hot and stuffy evening. Wil be lying on and not in bed tonight.
Lost cat. She's probably out partying with her friends.
Tweets appearing little later than when posted. Am I typing faster than the speed of tweet?
I believe after many months of decision making I have found my new sofa. Still time to change my mind though.
Should have attended two important services today at church but did not. Not feeling good about that. nevermindlifegoeson
Some photos of the riot in brstol last night. Such a shame for such a bohemian area
It's time to make some pasta salad. becominghungry
....where it's at....Two turn tables and a microphone 6music
Songs for Acid Edward by Mr. B. The Gentleman Rhymer simplybrilliant
Going to have to hand back my new olympus xz1 to the shop for repair. Label on programme wheel lost. disappointed
Think I may head to the centre and see how things look at the bristol waterfront. Always a good place for live music :-)
What's all this about 300 people rioting in bristol last night? As I hear it there was no more than a few dozen. pressliketoexagerate
Couple of jars of caper berries from shop for a penny each. Lovely Easter present for the salads :-)
Strange how now one can eat Hot Crossed Buns, the sight of them in the shops since December has put me off them. crazymarketing
Ooo.. Solomon Burke on 6music. Groovying in the sun with cool sounds. @andrewcollins not peaked too soon it would appear! :-)

Thursday 21 April 2011

Nighty night planet! See you bright and early again tomorrow morning. :-)
Sleeping is no mean art: for its sake one must stay awake all day. ~Friedrich Nietzsche
Cameron complaining about judges using the law to protect privacy and not Parliament when many of those laws were passed by Tory Parlliments
Why can't you get Guiness Red in a tin? I like Guiness Red.
Isn't Guiness draft from a tin rather clever?
This looks good. Come on Jarvis, where do I get a listen? 6music
That's the problem with playschool toys. They all burned out too soon. The problems of a childhood superstar lifestyle.

Wednesday 20 April 2011

Tonight will be a sleep outside the covers night.
Making a curry with soya chunks, onion, spinach, tomatoes, spices and coriander.

Tuesday 19 April 2011

Night tweepy people. xx
Time to sleep, to let Sandman visit. Hope he's brought his good umbrella tonight culturalsleepyhead
Off to get a glass of orange juice and prepare some supper. Butter bean with bulgar wheat, sweet peppers and spring onion salad on the menu.
I have finished my crisps. I am a pig. Cat had one but the rest was mine.

Monday 18 April 2011

Time for bed! To dream, perchance to...oh hang on...cocked that up.... terriblememoryforshakespeare
I am playing Backgammon on yahoo and loosing.
Time for food. Pasta tonight I think with some side salad.
Not that impressed with new @gorillazband CD. May wait a bit until I buy it.

Sunday 17 April 2011

Groovy jazz on 6music this evening freakzone
I have opened another tasty Tskyie beer. Wonderful stuff.
I am considering a curry. Perhaps a nice bath first and spicy indian meal afterwards.
I wonder if its too late to get a flight to Oslo for eurovision? Could do with a bit of a party!
New revamped MySpace is pretty good for music peeps. Liking it.
The sun has gone away but left a warm cloudy effect behind.
Still, it was bound not to last.
I am eating olives, sun dried tomatoes and stuffed vine leaves with fresh bread. middleclasssnacking
Very pleasant day out there today. Neither hot nor cold, windy or still, peter or jane. Just lovely.
Right. Time to hit the sunny weather outside for a walk. Need some foody stuff from the shop. rockandrolllifestyle

Saturday 16 April 2011

Cat is now growling in her sleep. What do cats dream about?
Cat is asleep on her back waving her paws in the air again. strangepussydreams
I now have a can of Coke Zero. It is very cold. I am enjoying it. simplepleasures
I am off to get a can of cold cola. I am thirsty.
Ooo...The Exorcist is on the magic lantern box. Still has the power to put you off pea soup even after all these years.

Friday 15 April 2011

I have just finished off a large bag of crisps ashamedofmyself
Am watching Condorman on youtube. Haven't seen it since I was kid. Bonkers, silly and am sucked in :-)

Thursday 14 April 2011

Every paper that you read, says tomorrow's your lucky day! Well, here's your lucky day....
No one here is alone, satellites in every home, Yes the Universal's here, here for eveyone.....

Tuesday 12 April 2011

Ooooo and me....running up that hill.....#6music
Time for bed! Now don't go writting anything amusing while I'm having more weird dreams. Hugs to the teatowelclub. See you on Wednesday!
Going to sleep on the holiday thoughts. If I loose the flights and hotel then so be it. Can't decide. Need zeds.
Am dithering over holiday dates.
Yipee! opera 11.10 is ready for download my browser says. Always excited by a new version of opera. browsergeek
See that wasn't so hard. Only took 12 minutes. simples
Filling in my census form online. sometimesitsgoodtomakethemwait
All this Gagarin stuff on the web is making me miss Russia too much. I shall need to investigate a return trip sometime soon.
New Arctic Monkeys single sounds cool. Less kiddie-pop than previous ones. Stronger and Heavier sound. Nicely nicely.
Loving the look of nokia's new phones. Wish I had taken that job there last year. Would have had first dibs. phoneenvy
I am without my own transport yet again. I am in need of a pair of roller skates and a team of huskies.
Don't know when it will be back with me as dealer doesn't know when the parts will turn up. lasttimeibuyabuell
Bike not home this evening. Asked them to look at a plug with oil on it and they found a major leak nearby. waaghhhh

Monday 11 April 2011

Tomorrow bike in for repairs trip no. 1 and discussions and more ISO fun. Can't wait :-) irony
Right. To bed and sleep. Productive day today. 6 month review, bonus and spent £26K on new phone system.
Past 10 minutes hopping around the house with cramp. Muscle in my leg collapsed again. Looked odd. Vigarous massage and yelling helped.
Loving the leaked video of the new nokia X7. Wonder how much it'll cost. Hmm...#phonelustagain
Some brave souls with libdem signs up in their gardens this evening. Considerably fewer than this time last year though.

Sunday 10 April 2011

I am awake. I tried to sleep but I am awake. I shall attempt the art of self-hypnosis to see if it helps. looksforthepocketwatch
I have completed eating noodles. I am now heading to bed. Cat has already occupied best position. She will need to move!
I am eating noodles.
I miss living in Russia. :-(
Oh...a programme about Gagarin on bbc4. Will iplayer that later. Only 2 more days until the 50th anniversary. :-)
Just watched someone drive off from the petrol station in a van without paying. He had different plates on front and back. :-(
Off to the likkle spar shop for washing powder and calgon. sundaywashday
Cat is sitting and watching with intense green eyes. I wish I could speak cat. Oh the things I could learn. missedthatdayatschool
Washing motorbike. It didn't get a clean last week. badmarky
Still makes me laugh

Saturday 9 April 2011

Looks like the condem govt has caved in to the dailyfail brigade with refuge fines. Wonder how long tlll they outlaw wheelie bins as well?
Still uncertain what a Justin Bieber actually is. Does it represent something unspeakable evil or just a bit crap?
Is it to late to open a bottle of wine? uncertainthoughts
Coconut milk. Cold and delicious. Damn good stuff this. :-)
Am munching on tortilla crisps. badmarky
Back home again now. Tired out. Cat has come for a cuddle. Think I'll make some food after a short rest. slurpingsoyamilkshake
Terrible night sleep. Too hot and too much work creeping into dreams and thoughts. May not enjoy sunny lovely day. tootired

Friday 8 April 2011

Time for bed and some Freaker Zone on 6music. Love those weird vibes! :-) Night tweepies!
Slurping down a delicious freshly squeezed orange juice. sometimesnothingelsewilldo
I'm presently cooking a vegetable biryani. There will indeed be much food joy soon. curryforsupper
I am so tired I can barely type the word. irony

Thursday 7 April 2011

Off to bed now. Very sleepy! Cat has fallen asleep in the window with her paws sticking out. Time to join her :-)
Off to get some food. Salad and butter beans I think will do the trick.
Just opened my letter from Three with my new contract. Haha! £5 a month for oodles of data and enough voice and text for me. luckyboy
Now playing Amerika rammsteinmoment. We're all living in Ameica...america...this is not a love song.... it's vunderbar!
Oh come on....what do you mean you don't read Russian? notthathard
Tatu do the vocal chorus on this one. (in case you didn't know)
Now playing Ich Will by Rammstein. Stick that on the 515 and it'll wake up a few :-) @hawkshow :-)
Ooo..a new Hawk and a Hacksaw album. Downloading now. nicelynicely
Evening all! Anyone notice the iplayer catch up of @hawkshow's programme this morning is labeled 'Love Shack'? Big up the 6musicsingalong

Wednesday 6 April 2011

ooo...#gnome 3 has been released. Is it going to make me leave my precious kde 4 as the desktop of choice? linuxfun
What do cats think of us when they look at us and see ape faces, unelegant non-pointed ears and aposable thumbs? Mine seems to just stare.
I have eaten far too many leaves today. They are playing havoc with my digestion system. justsaying
Last can of diet cola from the fridge. Do I hold in reverence to the last of its kind of drink quickly and morn later?
Out of the bath and now seeking food. Pasta salad sounds a good bet to me. nomnomnom

Tuesday 5 April 2011

Time for some bedtime reading, 6music grooves with @gidcoe and some shuteye. First need to unpick cat from legs.
Checking funds to buy myself a new nokia E7 and DAB headset for Easter present to myself. Want a lovely orange one. :-) easilypleased
Pasta and broadbean salad coming up :-) nomnomnom

Monday 4 April 2011

I have eaten too much food. My belly does not feel good. It is times like this when I envy cows.
I am thinking I will make a chillisauce and bottle it. Then wait. It may have a half life of several years.
Dorset Naga's usually score over a million scovilles each. I am going to need some plastic gloves which will need burning afterwards.
Greengrocer need my work has a large collection of dorset naga chillis. I have bought quite a few. Perhaps a few was too many?
Making a broadbean and seitan curry with tumeric rice. Going to be a belter. Let's hope the stomach can handle it. nomnomnom

Sunday 3 April 2011

can't hang around here whittering to you lot all day. Need to go to work and whitter to you all from there. :-) prioritiesright
At some point in my sleep I appear to have seriously grazed my own arm. puzzled
Overdid the starch on the shirt again this morning. I think it's capable of standing up on its own.
Just realised I have eaten very little all day but have polished off a bottle of red in no time at all. crazydiet
Listening to the Chain by Fleetwood Mac. It's turned up very loud!
Time to take my glass of wine to the bath....
Cat just can't get enough my my legs. Like a furry growth always attached alseep to them.

Saturday 2 April 2011

Yeah! Spiral is back on bbc4 again tonight. Will iplayer that tomorrow :-)
They must have been on a happy hour due to the cricket win! Have to confess I did throw that in to encourage some sweetners :-)
That means a whole year of mobile phone for use for a tenner! :-) Now I can go buy any phone I want :-) happy
Well that was good. Just upgraded to 12 month no phone contract for £5 a month (300 mins/texts and 2GB data) and obtained a £50 credit.
Trying to speak with Three about a phone upgrade but I think everyone in India callcentre is celebrating post cricketworldcup final.
About to go and roam the shops for a bit. Looking for a cool uber thin laptop for opensuse or ubuntu.
Thinking time to upgrade my phone. Tesco Mobile offer for a lovely N8 may be the ticket to force to offer decent upgrade package
srilanka have given india a nice high target to aim for at the cricketworldcup final.
Stall outside selling a number of different flatcaps. Has @hawkshow begun a national trend? Heaven help us if tank tops become fashionable
Enjoying a lovely pint of Summer Set ale after a delicious snack from the Falafel King :-)

Friday 1 April 2011

Kicking back with @tom_ravenscroft's selection of groovy sounds on 6music. Lovely stuff this evening. Chilling :-)